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Corbyn grins but shakes his head, "Nah, I wouldn't say I'm famous."

"You are though!" Florence exclaims as she scrolls through Corbyn's instagram account. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I guess I was afraid you would, uh, treat me differently. I know now that you wouldn't but our management is kinda shitty so I have to be careful," Corbyn explains nervously.

Florence looks up from her phone screen, "Shitty? What's wrong with your management?"

"Well, we're not really allowed to speak out about a lot of things—especially about drama or our mistakes—they're kind of controlling."

"That sounds horrible. You guys can't get out of it?"

"Not at the moment, no."

Florence frowns and for a moment, both of them are silent. Then, Florence lays her hand out on the table. Corbyn smiles at the sight and places his hand on top of hers. Just as they've done multiple times in the past month they've known each other, Florence intertwines their fingers and gives Corbyn's hand a comforting squeeze.

Undeniably, Florence has caught feelings for the blonde boy. She knows she can't act on her feelings but seeing Corbyn everyday for a month straight really doesn't help. As much as she wishes her feelings would go away, they just seem to grow stronger each time she sees him. But she knows (at she thought she did) that Corbyn only sees her as a good friend, someone who's been comforting him after his first breakup.

"You should meet them."

"Huh? Who?"

"My bandmates! They would love you," Corbyn says, excitedly squeezing her hand.

Florence is taken aback, "Oh! Really?"

"Yeah, of course! When do you get off work today?" Corbyn asks, his eyes bright and getting more excited by the second.

"I get off at twelv—Wait, you want me to meet them today?" Florence asks, her brows knitted.

Truthfully, Florence wasn't a very social person. Although she was kind and always hospitable to bakery customers, Florence's social life was near nonexistent. She worked long hours at the bakery and went home to her cat. She wasn't sure if she was ready to meet Corbyn's friends but how could she let him down when he looked so ecstatic?

So when Corbyn nods in response, Florence blurts out an "okay" and watches as Corbyn's whole face lit up.

"Great! Can I pick you up at twelve then?" he asks, a bright smile on his face.

Florence forces a small smile onto her face and simply nods, which seemed to be good enough for Corbyn. He picks up his stuff as it's already a few minutes past 6am and heads towards the bakery door.

"See you later!"

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