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Corbyn had just picked her up and now they were on their way to one of his bandmates' house.

"Relax, Flor. I guarantee that they'll love you," Corbyn reassures her, quickly glancing at the nervous girl.

"Eyes on the road," is all she mumbles, still not feeling very assured.

When they reach the house, Florence's heart rate picks up. It doesn't help that Corbyn let go of her hand once they reached the front door. The warmth of his hand over hers had been very comforting, but now it just felt empty and cold.

The door swings open after Corbyn rings the doorbell and a tall boy with brown hair appears. He smiles brightly upon seeing Corbyn and they both say "what's up bro?" as they do that boyish handshake and hug (slap on the back) combo.

"You must be Florence! I'm Jonah," the boy says, offering her a warm and welcoming smile.

"I am," Florence responds before realizing she should say more. "So nice to meet you!"

"You too! Come on in," Jonah replies, stepping behind the door and letting Corbyn and Florence into the house.

As she looked around, Florence realized how differently Corbyn's lifestyle was compared to hers. They had always hung out in the bakery so she didn't know what his place looked like (and vice versa) but if Corbyn's home was anything like Jonah's, she suddenly felt very average.

Florence lived in a one bedroom apartment fifteen minutes away from the bakery. Her place was average, much like herself, she thought.

Jonah's place was as modern and Los Angeles-y as you could get (without it being a huge mansion). The house was big and mostly white, completed with a pool in the backyard.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you to the others!" Corbyn says, taking Florence's hand again to lead the way but letting go as soon as they were in front of people.

The rest of the Why Don't We boys were in the pool and Jonah's roommate, Eben, was grilling something delicious-smelling nearby.

"Is that Florence?!" Zach yells as Corbyn approaches the pool with Florence trailing behind him. "Hi Florence! I'm Zach!"

Florence smiles at his cheerfulness, "Hi Zach! Nice to meet you!"

Florence sits down at the edge of the pool, her feet in the cool water, while Corbyn leaves her side to get drinks. Two boys swim up to her and introduce themselves.

"I'm Daniel and this is Jack!" a blonde (and rather built) boy smiles, showing his small tooth gap in the process.

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Florence but you can call me Flor if you want," she grins, trying to hide her nervousness (due to Corbyn not being by her side).

"Okay Flor, you wanna swim?" Jack asks.

"Uh, maybe later. I think I'll eat first, I haven't had anything but bakery sweets today."

Daniel gasps at that, "Oh right! You work at a bakery! Isn't that how you and Corbyn met?"

After Florence nods, the conversation doesn't go any further as a huge splash catches their attention.

"Zach! You got Florence all wet!" Corbyn yells as he walks towards the girl with two drinks in hand.

"Oh shit, sorry!" Zach says sheepishly as he waddles around the water.

"It's fine, I'll dry off eventually. The sun is so bright today anyways," Florence waves off, taking a cup of lemonade from Corbyn's hand.

She follows Corbyn to a row of sunbathing chairs and they both lie down on one.

"Your friends are pretty cool."

"I told you so! You still seem a little nervous though."

"Oh, is it that obvious?"

"Only to me."

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