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"I fucking wish I was."

"I legit thought you were gonna tell me you proposed!"

"Wait, what?"

Corbyn quirks his eyebrow up and stares at his sister, Ashley, in disbelief.

"Well, you've been together for four fucking years and this is the first time I've ever heard about you two having problems! I thought you and Christina were made for each other..." Ashley frowns.

"Isn't that weird? That we never had any problems?" Corbyn asks, purposely ignoring the last thing Ashley mentioned.

"I guess it is. Arguments are supposedly healthy for relationships," the younger girl explains.

"How did I not see this coming?" Corbyn groans, plopping down onto his bed.

Sprawled across his bed, Corbyn blinks rapidly to get rid of the tears threatening to spill. Ashley lays down next to him in an attempt to comfort her older brother who she's always had a close relationship with.

"Do you want to change the topic...?" Ashley asks softly and with caution for her brother's feelings at the moment.

He nods, "I met this girl the other day."

"Really? Tell me about her."

"Her name is Florence. She's a baker."

"That's adorable. I love that. Is she nice?"

"The nicest...She gave me a lot of good advice after the, uh, break up."

"Oh...So you met her right after Christina broke up with you?"

"Don't say it like that. I didn't use her as a rebound or something."

"I didn't say you did!"

"You implied it."

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

Ashley scoffs, "Whatever. Tell me more."

"She made me a great cinnamon roll and we talked for nearly an hour."

"Yum. I could go for a cinnamon roll right now."

Corbyn suddenly sits up, "Let's go then."

"For real? Right now?" Ashley asks, now sitting up too.

"Mhm. Why not? I think you'll like Florence," Corbyn grins, contrary to the frown that had been stuck to his face for the past hour.

────── * ──────


Corbyn chuckles, "Good to see you too, Florence."

She smiles at him, secretly excited that he came back despite what she just said, before noticing the girl behind him.

"Hi! I'm Ashley, Corbyn's sister. I've heard a lot about you," Ashley introduces herself.

"Oh hi! Nice to meet you," Florence grins from behind the counter.

"I told her about your cinnamon rolls and she got hungry," Corbyn chuckles again, sitting down at the same table as last time.

"It smells so good in here," Ashley adds, taking a dramatic whiff of the sweet, warm aroma in the air.

A bright smile appears on Florence's face and it stays as she brings out two freshly baked cinnamon rolls.

"Thank you!" Ashley squeals, excitedly digging in.

"My pleasure," Florence replies sweetly.

She's about to walk back behind the counter but Corbyn stops her, "Wait, Florence. Why don't you join us? There's no one else here anyways."

Florence turns back around to see Ashley nod, "Yes! Please do, I'd love to get to know you."

"Oh sure! I'd love that too," Florence says, pulling a chair up to their table.

The next hour felt like a movie. It passed by so quickly. The three of them talked endlessly and never seemed to run of conversation. A beautiful friendship had blossomed between Florence Anders and the Besson siblings.

It was the start of something new.

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