Chapter four-Reunion

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As I entered the hospital, I adjusted my backpack to take some of the pressure off of the injured part of my right shoulder. I would have let my left shoulder carry the whole thing, but the sheer weight of the books required the support of both shoulders. Maybe I should have planned better and only brought a few...

After checking in at the nurses' station, I took the elevator to the second floor and made my way to Room 225.

I lowered my pack to the floor and removed a first-year history textbook from inside. "Hey, Fuuko," I greeted the unconscious girl with a smile. "Thought I'd help you with your first-year classes. Of course I can't help you with attendance but..." I hefted the book as though to show it to her. "At least I can help you pass the tests."

Fuuko didn't answer, as expected.

"All right, Chapter One..."

I started my summer break that way; traveling to the hospital as often as I could, sometimes sleeping in the lobby to save train fare and washing my face in the restroom. Eventually, I worked up a good routine: I'd spend the weekdays at the hospital (trying to stay under the staff's radar), either reading to Fuuko, talking to her about stuff, or just sitting there quietly, holding her hand. On the weekends I'd stay at Furukawa Bakery (Nagisa had worked things out with her parents) and help out around the place, as well as pick up what I would need for the next week at the hospital.

At first I thought it would be boring; after all, how much fun can it be to sit and read to a sleeping person?

But somehow, it wasn't boring at all. I think it was because I was doing something for someone I cared about. Knowing that I was making a difference in someone's like made it all worthwhile, I guess.

Because of how much reading I had to do, I could only cover one subject per day. So on Monday, I would cover English. On Tuesday it was Japanese. Wednesday was Math. Thursday, I covered history.

Or, at least, I tried to; I sucked at history.

Anyway, Friday was a catch-up day, when I'd cover anything that I wasn't able to finish on the other days. Finally, Saturday morning was what I'd call a 'fun day', when I'd just spend time with her. I usually wouldn't talk much since I'd been reading all the other days and would feel a little hoarse. On those days I'd hold her hand or just be there, watching her or the machines work on keeping her alive. I did what I could.

One Saturday, I realized that her birthday was coming up. I just couldn't remember when. So I called Kouko-san from Nagisa's place.


"Hi, Kouko-san."

"L/n-kun, good morning!" I liked how Kouko-san always sounded happy to hear from me. "What can I do for you?"

"I hope I'm not calling too early."

"Not at all. Yu-kun and I were just finishing breakfast. What can I do for you?"

"I was hoping you would tell me Fuuko-san's birthday. I'd like to do something special for her, if I could."

"Certainly! That's coming up soon, isn't it? Let me check to be sure...let's see, it's-right, it's July 20th."

"Thanks. Hey, can you tell me what day of the week that falls on? I don't have a calendar."

"Just a moment...Yu-kun, would you check the calendar for what day July 20th falls on? Saturday? L/n-san? It falls on Saturday this year."

"Thanks. I appreciate it. I'll try to do something nice for her, but I don't have a lot of money."

"That's okay. You're already doing a lot for her, and I'm sure she appreciates it. I know that I do."

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