Chapter twenty six-Testing

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Summer vacation ended sooner than expected – typical from the perspective of a student, I supposed – and with it came the first Saturday of the term: My first testing day.

"These tests will be broken up in to sections, appropriately," Koumura-sensei explained as he handed me a small packet of paper. "I caution you: they will not be as easy as you would expect from a regular test. If you intend to successfully challenge each class, you will be expected to show mastery of all of the covered subjects."

"So it'll be like taking a full year's worth of tests all at once?"

"Hmm. Close enough, I suppose," the old teacher replied.

My anxiety must have clearly shown on my face, because he chuckled. "Do not worry, young F/n-san; Kotomi speaks highly of your dedication. You are not expected to earn an 'A' in each subject. Do your best and I believe that you will do just fine."

I took a deep breath. "Thank you, sir."

He leveled his gaze at me. "Are you ready, son?"

I nodded. "Let's go!"

As expected, the tests were hard. The early tests, logically enough, reflected our first year of study. I noticed that the answers to math came somewhat easily, which worried me a bit. Were they easy because I understood the material, or was it because I was making a truckload of mistakes?

I allowed that thought to flash through my mind before I realized that dwelling on it would not help me at all; in fact, it could keep me from focusing on the problems before me.

I still hated parabolas, though.

I finished the math test and raised my hand to let Koumura-sensei know that I was done, and he came over and collected my packet and clapped me on the shoulder; my left one, fortunately. "Well done, F/n-san. Take a fifteen-minute break and we'll start the next one."

I nodded in understanding before glancing at the clock. It had taken me about ninety minutes to go through two hundred problems. I didn't know if that was a good pace or not, so I simply made a mental note of it for later.

After a visit to the bathroom, I stopped by a vending machine to pick up a tea before heading back to the classroom. My plan was to eat after the next test, but with the understanding that I could change my plan based on my performance; that is, how long it took to complete my next test.

As I settled back in my seat, I came to a decision: Whatever job or career I ended up in, I would treat Koumura-sensei to a meal in gratitude for giving me this chance to turn my life around. What does he like to eat?

"Ah. You're back." He shuffled back into the classroom with another packet.

"Yes, sir." I may have been going overboard with the respect, but I owed him at least that much. "What does the next test cover?"

"Hmm?" He dropped the packet on the table, and I felt the puff of air from underneath it. "Ah. English." Apparently he could see my nervousness, because he regarded me for a moment. "I know that English was never a strong subject for you. I can only tell you to do your best. I believe that you can do it." He gently laid a hand on my shoulder, and I felt noticeably calmer.

I took a deep breath, smiled at the teacher, and started on the English test.

I raised my hand to get Koumura-sensei's attention, and when he started my way, I slumped back in my chair with a 'whouff!' I had managed to finish all of the first-year-class tests in one Saturday afternoon, but I was exhausted for it.

The wizened teacher smiled kindly as he approached my desk. "Well done, F/n-san."

I looked up at him and flashed him a tired 'victory' sign. "When will I know how I did?"

"Hmm." He seemed to give my question some thought. "I won't be grading the tests until after you have completed all of them."

"Really? Why then?"

"Because I am an old man."

He didn't say anything more, so I just accepted his answer. No good looking a gift horse in the mouth, after all. "Okay." Trying to stifle an awkward feeling, I asked, "So, when will I be taking the next set of tests?"


I used to be annoyed by his constant 'hmm's. But...after all he had done for me, and just getting to know the man better...I started to think they were pretty neat. Maybe I'd 'hmm' a lot when I got to his age.

"The tests will be every Saturday afternoon from here on, until you have completed all of them."

"So will I be doing the second-year testing next week?"


"Am I allowed to study the second-year stuff between now and then?"

His white eyebrows rose. "Hmm?" To me, he looked surprised, and I wondered if he had misunderstood my question. "I am impressed by your integrity, young F/n-san. Hmm."

After a moment, he continued. "You may study between now and then, but keep in mind that you are expected to keep up with your third-year studies as well. It would do little good for you to do well on this only to fail your regular classes."

I bowed slightly. "I understand, sir; I'll keep that in mind. Thank you."

I had really changed, hadn't I? Before Fu-chan, I was on my way to becoming...well effectively a bum. While Fu-chan didn't directly encourage me, my desire to do right by her (spurred on by a kick in the butt by her brother-in-law) motivated me to make the changes that I needed to be the man that she would need.

Thanks to good friends like Kotomi-chan and Tomoyo, along with – I think 'supportive' is the word – teachers, I had another chance to make something of myself, to be someone important to somebody.

And I want that somebody to be Ibuki Fuuko.

Actually, scratch that: I want L/n Fuuko.

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