Chapter twenty-Disaster in the Kitchen

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I hesitated before knocking on the door to the Fujibayashi residence. Did I really want to continue this? Kyou may have been a great cook, but her violent tendencies and attitude made her unpleasant to deal with at best.

Before I could decide whether to stay or leave, the door opened. "There you are! You're late!" Kyou stood there, scowl firmly in place. She reached out and grabbed me by the arm and nearly dragged me inside.

At least Ryou was in the kitchen to greet me. "L/n-kun, welcome!"

I supposed that the lessons could be considered only half-bad. "Hi, Fujibayashi. Good to see you."

Kyou's scowl deepened as Ryou blushed. "Hey! Where's my greeting?"


"Oh, I see. Ryou gets 'Good to see you' and I get the leftovers?"

"Let go of my arm and drop the scowl and I'll see what I can do," I retorted.

Kyou released my arm, making sure to give it a good pinch on the way, before pasting a completely fake smile on her face. "Is this better?"

"Passable." I bowed deeply. "Hello, Kyou. I look forward to learning more from you."

"Th-Thanks," Kyou sputtered, blushing. Well that was an interesting change of attitude. "G-Give me a couple of minutes and we'll get started."

"I thought I was late?"

"You are, but so is Onee-chan," Ryou said. "She kept looking out the kitchen window, and-"

"R-Ryou! He doesn't need to know all of that!" Kyou waved her hands in front of her sister. "Just...Both of you go get your aprons on! I'll be ready in a minute."

We entered the kitchen and Ryou gave me my apron before putting on her own.

"Hey Fujibayashi, is your sister okay? She seems...nervous?"

Ryou's blush returned, apparently in response to my question. "Uh...I think she's just nervous about teaching us well, that's all." She chuckled in what sounded like an awkward way.

"Why would she, though? I've been coming here three nights a week for, what, two weeks now? She should be used to this by now."

She noticeably looked away before answering. "I...I don't know, L/n-kun."

I felt like I wasn't getting the truth, but decided not to push the matter. "Well, whatever. Do you know what we're making today?"

Ryou shook her head, purple hair waving. "No. Onee-chan wanted to surprise us, I guess."

I looked at the ingredients on the counter. "It looks like we'll be making some kind of dessert this time." We didn't make desserts very often, so maybe Kyou was nervous about teaching us that.

Ryou also looked at them. "It does appear that way."

"In any case-"

"All right! The instructor is here, so let's get started!" Kyou entered the kitchen, apron in place as well as a big grin. "Tonight, we're making strawberry shortcake. The first thing we'll need to do is slice the strawberries, and..."

So the strawberries were sliced and mixed with white sugar. Kyou then had me turn on the oven to preheat it, while Ryou prepared a cake pan.

The problem arose when the batter was being mixed. Kyou had assigned that to her sister before leaving the room for something, but Ryou was having trouble with the mixing spoon.

"L/n-kun, I don't think my wrists are strong enough for this," Ryou complained.

I watched her try to stir for a bit. "I think it's your...technique? I mean, the way you hold and move the spoon. Here..." I moved around behind her and reached around to try to guide her hands through the motion.

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