Chapter twenty four-Rehabilitation

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I could see sweat beading on her forehead as she gripped the rails. To build her leg strength as part of her physical therapy, Fuuko had to hold onto a set of handrails and walk between them. She'd been doing this for a couple of days now, and I could tell the sessions were exhausting.

"You got this, Fu-chan," Yuusuke encouraged her. "Just take it one step at a time."

She glared over at her brother-in-law, and I smiled in sympathy. It was probably hard enough just doing the exercises, but to have someone trying to be positive without knowing what it was like...I chuckled to myself.

Her glare suddenly shifted to me, and I raised my hands defensively. "Sorry, Fu-chan; I'm trying to sympathize. It looks like you're frustrated, even though you're doing your best."

Her expression softened, and I thought I could see a small smile on her reddened face. "Thank you, F/n-kun." She looked to the opposite end of the rails. "Could you stand down there?"

I figured I knew why, so I stood at the end of the rails and readied myself to catch her if necessary.

She locked her gaze to mine and staggered her way along the rails, trying to put as much weight on her legs as she could take, inch by inch, foot by foot...never taking her eyes off of me.

I felt eerily as though I was her reward for making it to the other end.

As she made it to the end of the rails, breathing heavily and sweating, she moved her grip from the rails to the front of my shirt to my shoulders and pulled me down enough to press her lips to mine. Needless to say, she surprised me.

I could faintly hear what I thought was a gasp from Kouko and laughter from Yuusuke. She released me, and I had to catch her before she crumpled to the floor. As hot and sweaty as she was, Fu-chan had one of the nicest smells I had ever smelled. In hindsight, it was probably just because it was Fu-chan.

Kouko, Yuusuke and I sat with Fuuko after her therapy session. I could tell that something was bothering Kouko, but I wasn't sure what. I figured that it wasn't any of my business, so I wouldn't ask.

Kouko indirectly answered my unasked question. "Fu-chan?" Her voice sounded hesitant.


Kouko fumbled her hands in her lap before chuckling nervously. "I've had two years to prepare for this, and I'm still not ready," she said, and her husband placed a hand on her shoulder, probably to reassure her.

"Go on," he prompted.

Kouko looked to her husband before looking to Fuuko with wet eyes. "Fu-chan...I'm really sorry for the way I treated you. I didn't want to act so coldly toward you-"

"But you wanted me to learn to stand on my own two feet and get to know people on my own," Fuuko finished.

Kouko sputtered a chuckle. "That's right." She took a deep breath. "Before the accident, you would hide behind me all the time, literally and figuratively, and I knew it wouldn't be good for you in the long run."

"I understand," Fuuko said with a small smile. "I managed to make some friends anyway." She looked over at me.

Kouko followed her sister's eyes to me and laughed. "Yes, I suppose you've done well for yourself, haven't you?"

"You've made more friends than just him, haven't you?" Yuusuke asked.

Kouko lightly whapped him on the hand. "Yuusuke! That's rude! F/n-san is a fine young man!" Yuusuke simply smiled at the mild abuse.

Fuuko giggled. "I've made many friends, most of them twice."

This drew puzzled looks from her sister and brother-in-law, so I explained, starting backwards from their wedding, Fuuko's time at the school, how she carved the starfish and gave them as invitations to the wedding. I told them pretty much everything, regardless of how ridiculous it sounded.

Yuusuke scratched his chin. "That does explain a lot." He looked over at his wife. "It seemed like everything went too smoothly, especially for a wedding."

Kouko nodded, her brow furrowed. "Yes, I could see that." She looked to her sister. "Fu-chan, thank you for everything you've done for us."

Fuuko smiled, and I quickly dabbed tears from her eyes. "I wanted you both to be happy together, and I didn't want you to wait on my account."

Kouko rose from her chair and hugged her sister the best she could.

No more words were really needed.

Fuuko grimaced in pain as I gently but firmly lifted her leg while keeping the knee reasonably straight. She'd lost quite a bit of flexibility in two years and, to help her get it back, I trained under the physical therapist so I could help with Fu-chan's therapy.

"Owww..." she protested.

"Just breathe," I said softly as her leg reached its limit. "Remember what your doctor taught you."

She nodded with a grunt, her eyes squinted shut.

After doing one leg, I switched to the other, and the torture continued.

I tried to distract her with conversation. "What do you want to do after you get out?"

*puff* "Go to school..."

"Anything else?"

"G-Go on dates with you." *puff*

My chest swelled and my face felt hot. "Anything else?" I prompted.

"Have a *puff* baby."

I almost lost my hold on her leg. "S-Sorry?"

"A Baby. I want a baby."

"You want to be a mom?" I was glad Kouko wasn't around to hear this; I couldn't imagine how she'd react. Yuusuke would give me a dirty look, I'm sure. Several, in fact.

She nodded with another grunt.

"You're awfully young to be thinking about that, aren't you?" Not to mention that it would be with me, assuming our relationship worked out.

"I've been in a coma for two years," she quipped. "I've had plenty of time."

"Even with carving all those starfish?" Then it hit me: "Oh, so that's when you thought about it?"

"Yeah," she answered with a strained voice. "I see myself as a stay-at-home-mom type."

"I don't know; you seem to be too energetic for that kind of life."

She didn't reply until I lowered her leg to its resting position. "Are you kidding? I could see myself chasing my five-year-old daughter around."

I had an odd sensation, similar to déjà vu. "Well, if you say so." I started to lift her leg again. "I hope you get what you want."

"Yeah, me too." She gave me an impish, if pained, smile. "So you better get crackin' and get a really good job! You're going to have a wife and kids to support!"

"Yes, ma'am!" I answered with humor. "Waitaminute, kids?"

Fuuko's laugh danced around the therapy room.

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