Chapter fifteen-Interception

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I stopped at the convenience store to pick up a snack on the way back to Furukawa Bakery. It may have been my first lesson with Tomoyo, but she had worked me enough for me to get hungry again.

As I rounded a corner, I crumpled up my juice can and threw it away. When I turned in the direction of Furukawa Bakery...

"F/n!" A familiar voice called out.


The Fujibayashi twins stood a good distance away with bags hanging from their arms. Naturally, Kyou had been the one who called to me.

I tried to walk briskly away to avoid them. I had no problem with Ryou, but Kyou...

"F/n, wait up!"

"Sorry!" I called over my shoulder. "Gotta get home quickly! See you later!"

As expected, I felt a hand on my shoulder moments later, turning me around to face its owner. "Shame on you!" Kyou scolded. "Walking off like that and leaving two young and helpless girls to walk alone in the dark!"

"It's not dark yet," I retorted. "And you're far from helpless."

"What was that? I couldn't hear you," Kyou said, with her trademark 'murder eyes' firmly in place.

"Nothing, just thinking out loud."

"Anyway, are you going to let Ryou walk home all by herself? A real gentleman would make sure she gets home safely!"

"And carry her bags, of course!" I mockingly replied. "And fight off any thugs on the way!"

Kyou missed my jab. "Exactly! And you can start with these!" She unloaded her bags onto me. They were the kind with handles, so you could loop them over your arms. Or, in this case, my arms.

She turned to her sister. "Ryou, go ahead; give him your bags."

"But Onee-chan...he's already carrying so many...I-I can carry-"

"Uh-uh. F/n's willing to carry our bags and walk us home. He's such a gentleman, right?"

Even in the dimming light, I could see a blush creep across Ryou's face. "I-If it's okay..." she turned toward me; I noticed that she wouldn't look me in the eye. "I-Is this okay, L/n-kun?"

"Oh, for crying out loud!" Kyou grabbed the bags from her sister and finished loading my arms with them; I swear my body weight doubled with the load.

"Geez, what have you got in here? Anvils?" I complained.

"Now, no complaining," Kyou said as she patted my chest. "You offered, so deal with it."

I leveled a glare at her. "I don't remember offering to help."

Kyou smiled a familiar smile. "Should I smack you in the head a few times to help you with your memory?"


"No need," I said. "I'm loaded up, so let's get this over with. Lead the way."

"That's the spirit!" Kyou sure seemed excited as she started for home. Ryou glanced at me several times before following her sister.

"Thanks for your help, F/n," Kyou said as she and Ryou took the bags back from me.

Ryou watched her sister go into their house before turning to me. "I'm sorry, L/n-kun. Onee-chan had no right to treat you like that," she pouted.

"It's fine," I grunted. "It's...Kyou."

Ryou giggled softly. "Yes, that's Onee-chan." Then her expression turned serious. "L/n-kun..."




"Have a good evening!" she blurted before running through the front door and slamming the door behind her.

I stood there staring at the house with what must have been a stupid look before turning to leave.



Kyou rushed out of the house and up to me. "I heard that you're trying to improve yourself."

"How did you-"

"Anyway, would you like to learn how to cook? I'm going to be teaching Ryou, and she could use a cooking partner."

"I can already cook okay."

"I'm not talking about simple dishes like the ones you make. I'm talking about good meals, with the right mix of meat and grain and vegetables." She nudged me with her elbow."Come on, it'll be fun! And like I said, Ryou needs a cooking partner. When are you free?"

I could see that I wouldn't be getting out of this. "Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings are fine," I grunted.

"Great!" She pumped her fist. "See you then!"


"Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, of course!" Kyou waved at me as she walked back to her house. "See ya!"

As I walked home, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread about what was to come.

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