Chapter ten-Phase Shift

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I sat in my usual chair next to Fuuko's bedside, trying to stay awake while listening to Kotomi teach her physics. I couldn't remember if that was one of the classes during my first year, but whatever...

I heard the door open and close, and I turned to see the Yoshinos enter the room. "Hey, there! Good to see you two!"

Yoshino-san simply nodded, but Kouko-san was a little more vocal. "Hello, L/n-san. It's good to see you again, as well. Kotomi-chan, how are you?"

"Kouko-san; Yuu-san; pleased to see you again," Kotomi replied with another bow. "I am well, thank you."

Kouko made her way to Kotomi's side of the bed. "Are you teaching Fu-chan from that book?"

"I am."

Kouko looked at the cover. "Physics? I didn't know that was a first-year book."

Kotomi looked blankly at me, then back at Kouko. "I'm helping Fuuko-chan."

Before I could hear any more of the conversation, I found myself dragged into the hallway. "Let's have coffee," Yoshino said.

"I'm sorry; I don't have enough money for coffee and to get back home," I protested.

"Tch. Fine. I'll pay...this time."

I felt a sense of dread as I followed him to the cafeteria.

As we settled into our seats with steaming cups of coffee, Yoshino got right to the point. "Why are you visiting Kouko's sister so much?"

I took a sip of the coffee to give myself time to think, not to mention I needed the caffeine. "It's a long, involved, and weird story."

"I'll listen to the 'long' and 'involved' parts, but keep the 'weird' to yourself."

"I wish I could, but they're all kind of mashed together."

"Then never mind; I don't want to hear it." He leveled his gaze at me. "Are you interested in her?"

I couldn't tell him that we were already a couple; that would put my answer straight into the 'weird' category. So I gave him the most basic answer. "Yeah, I am."

"How do you plan to take care of her?"

I blinked. "What?"

He leaned back in his chair and sipped at his coffee. "If she comes out of her coma, and you date and marry, how are you going to provide for your family?"

"I've...never really thought about that before."

Another sip. "Kouko checked with your school. You're late for class when you're not skipping it. What kind of job do you think you can get with just a high-school diploma, and one with grades as poor as yours?"


"Look kid, I don't mean to pick on you. But this is life. You're going to be graduating at the end of this year, and you want to take the first step toward being a family man with Fuuko, right? Say you marry and have a couple of kids. That's going to cost money, and your wife, whoever she is, is going to have her hands full." He reached over and clapped a hand on my shoulder. "So, it's up to you to make enough to take care of them."

He withdrew his hand and was quiet for a minute. "Another thing, kid; for reasons that I can't get into, Kouko's the one you're going to have to talk to to get permission to marry her sister. And she's not going to let some shiftless bum marry her kid sister."

He leaned forward, and I found myself copying him. "My suggestion is that if you want Fuuko in your future, you get off of your ass and make the most of the rest of your year. Study your ass off, if you have to. Learn how to protect your woman too, if you can."

He straightened again and took another sip. "I don't know what your problems are and, right now, I don't care. If you want Fuuko in your future, you'd better make what's best for her more important than your pride. You get me?"

I nodded vigorously."Y-Yes, sir."

He frowned at me. "Don't call me 'sir', dammit. Call me 'Yuu-san'."

"Y-Yes, s-I mean, Yuu-san."

He leaned forward again, with a sly grin. "In fact, if you could help with the hospital costs, even just a little, that could work to your advantage," he finished with a wink.

I smiled in return. "I understand. Thanks a lot."

He jerked his head toward the elevators. "Let's go see how the girls are doing."

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