Chapter 8 | Crashing and Burning

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      "Why New York anyways?" Ariella asks me, glancing outside the car window. We're driving down a highway late at night, each street light flying by in a blur. At the same time there's a chilly breeze coming out of the sunroof, but I don't mind it. Ariella doesn't seem to either.

       "Well for starters, I'm running away from Tobias Whale. I've got some resources here that might be able to get me out of that trouble." I pause, thinking about my old New York friends. It's been so long, I'm curious as to how they're doing. "I just want a break from Freeland's drama," I state, gripping the steering wheel.

       "I understand wanting a break," Ariella mutters, rolling down her window. I notice out the corner of my eye how her red locks fly with the wind. She almost looks magical.

      "Yeah," I whisper, placing my hand on the cupholder. Ariella interlaces her fingers with mine and in the moment, everything feels fine.

      Of course it doesn't last long.

      I take the next exit, and eventually we hit a service road. All of a sudden there's a blinding white flash and a loud screeching noise. Another car rams into us from behind and sends our bodies into impact with the airbags. I groggily detach my body from the dashboard and step out of the car.

      "What the hell man!" I shout. I am holding my hand out in front of my eyes because the headlights from the car behind us are blinding and bright. I walk towards the driver and realize it's a cop car that rammed into us.

        "Get on the ground!" an officer shouts. I put my hands up in confusion.

       "What do you mean?" I ask, completely baffled. "I did nothing!" I exclaim in defense, getting down on my knees. I place my hands behind my head, rolling my eyes.

        "Officer, please leave my friend alone," Ariella begs. The cop looks at her with a ravenous look. I feel disgusted to my core. "He did nothing wrong," Ariella pleads, her eyes tearing up.

         "What do you mean?" The other cop asks. "This man clearly assaulted my partner!" he exclaims. Ariella's jaw drops in shock.

          "Listen you white creeps, stop being racist and let him go!" Ariella demands. The cop with blond hair cocks his gun and points it toward my head. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I don't want to fight this. I guess this is it, huh. You're just gonna give up, Khalil. I hear Ariella and the cop arguing, but everything blurs for me because I'm too mentally exhausted. I don't want to fight anymore.

       The other cop starts throwing punches at me. He slams his fists into my skull, my ribs, my nose. He keeps on letting out his aggressions on my body, punching me down onto the concrete road. I let him. I don't want to fight back. I know I'll win.

       I think what I've been hiding from all along is that the darkness is me. The darkness is a part of me. And when it controls me, I'm a monster. I become someone that chokes the girl he loves. I'm despicable. That's what I've been afraid to admit this whole time. Even though I didn't want this fate, it was chosen for me.

       If it's so hard for me to accept this, I should just stop trying to change it in the first place.

       All of a sudden, I see a blast of water fly and hit the cop holding a gun to my head. The water suspends the officer in the air, and as Ariella moves her hand down in a speedy motion, the cop slams his head against the concrete. There's a cracking sound when he falls down.

       She killed him. She'd kill for me. That's how poor of an influence I am on her.

        The other cop stares at us in shock before shouting, 

Jennifer Pierce and Khalil Payne: When Fate Pulls Us ApartWhere stories live. Discover now