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Samantha's POV


When I woke up, the first thing I did was roll my eyes.

Everything that happened yesterday feels like a fever dream. Like if I left my little K-pop room hideaway, I'd find no one but my cat, dog, and snake. I sat there in silence hoping, praying that it was all a dream. But obviously all dilutions must meet a cruel fate named reality. Without missing a beat, the fire alarm began to go off, making my head ache, reminding me why I don't drink. Definitely not a dream. Noted.

I exited the room, brushing crumbs from my shirt from the night before, as I climbed the stairs. A thin layer of smoke clouded the doorway to the kitchen. I walked in, waving the smoke.

"What happened?!" I yelled over the constant beeping noise. I instantly regretted it because the smoke began stinging my eyes and tickling my throat, causing me to cough. Minho and Jisung rushed over to me, patting my back.

"Are you okay?" Minho asked concerned. I nodded although I was still struggling to catch my breath. Looking around, I noticed that my toaster was singed (I'm assuming that it was previously on fire), what seemed to be about three packs of turkey bacon was burnt charcoal black, and a watery mess in a bowl was surrounded by a heap of pancake mix. I turned to Jisung, taking a deep breath in an attempt to keep my composure.

"What happened?" I asked again.

"Don't look at us, we just got here. They were the only ones in here when we came." Jisung said pointing to a quarreling Jeongin and Chan. I walked over to them, catching pieces of their argument.

"You do it." Chan says pushing the younger boy. "She'd forgive you faster because you're younger. You'll even get sympathy points if you call her 'noona'."

"No hyung, you do it. She's known you longer." The maknae attempted to justify.

"Exactly! That's why she wont hold back her hate fire for me."

"I wont hold my hate fire for either of you if you don't tell me what happened." I said. Two pairs of eyes rose to meet mine.


Bang Chan POV

We looked up at Samantha when she addressed us. She looked so stressed that it made my heart break. She remained in the clothes as yesterday (take away the few crumbs on her shirt), and a few fly-away-hairs stuck out from her usually perfect hair. I'm assuming she either pulled an all-nighter or slept uncomfortably because she just came from the basement instead of her room.

"Well," Jeongin started before I cut him off.

"We know after yesterday's...events, that you'd probably sleep in. Plus we really wanted to thank you for letting us stay here. So we made you a thank you-apology breakfast; or we tried to anyways. I'm sorry, Samantha." We lowered our heads.

I know that no matter how angry she tried to be, she just couldn't be mad at us for long. She let out a sigh.

"Look. I really appreciated the thought guys but I'm fine really. And why wouldn't I let you stay here? We've known each other for a while; I trust you guys." She looked over at Jisung. "Well most of you anyways."

"Samantha?!" Jisung exclaimed. The rest of us laugh at his fake hurt face.

"I'm kidding. Plus we cant eat anything you all attempted to cook anyways. It's all burnt or...on fire." She pointed towards the charcoal-colored toaster.

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