Part 12

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Lilly P.O.V

Leo looked slightly surprised, Tus held the sword to his neck; unwavering. I, however, was just staring at him lost in thought. In the book he never attacked Lilly, he waited until the perfect time to kill her. What in the seven layers of hell was he doing?! But I have to keep up my image of Lilly, 

"Leo Gildart, Hello. What my ask, do I owe the pleaser of seeing your... pleasant face. And Dagger." I tilted my head up and looked down my nose at him, I had to look as arrogant as humanly possible. He clearly bought my act, his face contorted with an expression one could only describe as disgust. He unwedged his dagger from the table, and stood up. He seated himself in the corner by the door, never taking his eyes off me. Tus sat back down and kicked his boots up on the table in front of us. I turned to him, "Tus where did that sword come from?" He looked at me and signed 'Always been there.' I hummed and turned my attention to my Leather book.

I remembered the way Leo held his dagger and the look on his face as he looked at me. I drew from memory and copied all the features I remembered on a blank page. His Long white hair was sweeping around the hooded cape he was wearing. His blue eyes holding anger and resentment, his beautiful face was screwed up and scrunched. I finished the drawing and labeled it Leo. The teacher walked in as a finished, he was an older gentleman, wrinkles on his face caused by frowning. His short and stubby body held an aristocratic posture. His beady eyes stared at everyone and came to a stop on some young girls in the front row. I saw him shift his stance, I became disgusted. I scooted closer to Tus he noticed my discomfort and rested his arm on the back of my chair. His fingers tangled in my hair and played with grey strands. I relaxed and closed my eyes the fingers in my hair were warm and comforting. 

"YOUNG LADY!" I opened my eyes to see the short and pudgy man looking at me with his disgusting eyes.

"Yes sir?" 

"Please stop behaving inappropriately in my class. I will not have my students participate in distractions."

I was confused, " What do you mean sir?" The man went red in the face, 

"This is what I mean!! You and your kind are bringing the IQ down of my students!"

"My Kind?" 

"YES, YOU WOMEN!!! YOU AND YOUR KIND ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO EVEN COMPETE WITH THE MALES!!!" I was taken aback, I never thought that some people actually think like this. 

I understood that people in this time period were quite sexist. Back in my original world people who thought this way were rare. If they did think this way they were bashed instantly by the majority of people. 

I clenched my hand into a fist, resisting the urge to deck the fat man. His fat on his face jiggled and he began another round of abhorrent comments on the female sex. 

He ranted for about 20 minutes before I had enough. I stood up and opened my mouth,

" SIR, these claims you make are offensive and wrong. I think you have forgotten your place." I felt my eyes darken and become cold. " Didn't your MOTHER teach you any manners? Do you talk to her like this?" My voice rose in volume, the air around me turned cold. "She gave birth to your sorry ass. She carried you for 6 months, then proceeded to push your body out of her-" 


"No, You listen to me. I will not sit here and undergo your outrages claims to my sex. I have as much right to be here as the males do." My voice was deadly quiet and calm as the eye of a storm. 

I glared at him, he started to tremble in anger and in fear.

3rd P.O.V

The teacher had never felt more scared, the girl in front of him glared at him. Her stare was cold and murder intent flowed out of her filling the room and suffocating him. 

A girl should not have eyes like that. 

Leo was looking at Lilly in shock. Never in his life has he ever seen her like this, she looked like she could wipe out an army and bring down a kingdom. It was a look of experience, someone like Lilly Winbrooks should not have. It was the look of trained soldiers that have been to war and seen its horrors have. He felt a shiver go down his back and a cold sweat breaks out on his brow. 

Did he really know Lilly as well as he thought he did...

Tus sat down watching Lilly, pride-filled him and a sense of warmth filled him once again. In the beginning, when Lilly scooted closer to him, he didn't pay attention to the fat man at the front of the room. 

But when The fat man interrupted his time with his treasure, Tus felt his anger rise and quickly diminished it, not wanting to scare Lilly. But as the Man ranted, deliberately offending Lilly, Tus began to notice his beady eyes wondering all over Lilly's body. Tus almost lost it. But Lilly acted before he could, telling the Fat man off and looked at him like she could kill him and bury his body. 

The man looked scared but that didn't stop his wandering eyes. Tus reached out and hugged Lilly into his tall frame. He peered over her shoulder at the man, The room dropped to freezing level, everyone was watching the drama from there seats. They suddenly didn't want to be there for the sake of there lives. 

The man's eyes stopped at Tus's red ones and his knees went weak, The intensity in red eyes made the teacher tremble and fall to the floor. Tus tucked Lilly's head into his chest and leaned back in his chair. 

The thoughts in Tus's head circled and became bloodier and darker with each rotation it took. He was soon snapped out of his thoughts when the door burst open and his brother and a girl stepped through. The girl in his brother's arms smiled shyly, Tus didn't particularly care. He would not waste time looking at insignificant people. 

Eva was in Alex's arms smiled a shy smile, smirking inwardly when Augustus Van Dragon turned to look at her. When he glanced at her he turned away like she was just another individual. She made an ugly look when he did, she quickly covered it up with an uncomfortable shuffle of her feet. She and Alex walked to the center of the room, Her face flashed with hate when she saw Lilly Winbrooks in his arms. 'Why cant that bitch just stay out of my way.' Leo briefly saw this flash of hatred directed at Lilly and scrunched his eyebrows. 

Maybe no one was as they seemed...

HELLO CHILDREN, It's a  shorter chapter today... BUT I SWEAR ILL UPDATE TOMORROW. 

I'm thinking of having an update schedule here soon so you know when to expect an update.





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