Part 30

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HELLO CHILDREN!!!! I'm going to try and switch up my writing style. I feel like I'm going too fast and not going in-depth with each character.
If you like this chapter and the way I write it please let me know. If you liked the old way I wrote, please comment and tell me😋🙂 (P.S My feeling won't be hurt by your choice)


The woods were silent other than our feet crunching on the leaves.  The sun was starting to go down, and the air began to chill. I shivered under my hood, goosebumps rose on my pale flesh and my hair stood to attention on my arms.
I looked down at my little companion,  his face was deathly pale and his red eyes seemed to stand out the darker the sky became. His small legs trudged on carrying his small body to match my much longer steps.
I felt a little bad making him walk, so I stopped walking and grabbed him by his tiny frame. I lifted him up and set him on my hip. He turned in my arms so that his head layed on my sholder and in the croak of my neck. I began walking, through the floor of leaves. 

We reached a near by town, it was pitch dark and August and I had to track through the cold and silent woods, only using the town lights as guides in the chilly night. We reached a small bar, and I figured that they may serve food there. As we walked into the bar, a loud crash resounded within the bar. I glanced around the room, there was another cloaked figure and at their feet sat a big burly man. He was obvously drunk by the blush that dusted over his nose and cheeks.

Lilly walked to the other side of the room and sat down at one of the bar stools in the corner of the room. As she sat down the bartender asked her what she wanted and she answered with a quick mumble that the bartender heard and nodded once before going into the back. 

She checked her sholder and August was out like a light, his face was pressed up against her sholder and his cheek smushed in the cutest way. She cooed to him and he nuzzled his face further into her sholder. 

After a while the Bartender came back ewith their meal and set down the steaming pile of food infront of her. Lilly smiled and reached into her pocket, but only to find it was missing. Lilly cursed under her breath and opened her mouth to apoligize. 

A jangle of coins rattled near her boots and Lilly looked down at the startled boy in ragges. His cap covered his eyes and Lilly opened her hand. The boy begrugingly gave back the coins and when Lilly patted his head he flinched away from her. Lilly frowned and turned to the bartender and payed him, she asked for one more thing and the bartender nodded once agian. 

Lilly patted the seat next to her and shifted August to the ground and onto pulled out the blanket in her backpack.

August just curled up, and began lightly snoring. Lilly patted the barstool next her once agian when she saw the boy not moving. He hesitently sat next to her, but stayed on the edge of the seat, ready to bolt. 

The bartender came back and set another plate of food in front of me, I thanked him with a small tip and he nodded his head once again.

I set the food in front of the small kid and began stuffing my face. He just sniffed and turned his nose at it. I raised my eyebrow and continued, a few minutes go by and i hear a low gromble. 

I snickered and pushed the food infront of the kid once again, he relucatanlty took the food off of the plate and nibbled some off the edge. I waited as the kid chewed, his eyes widened and he slowed raised the food in his plate to his face. He began to devore the food like he hasn't eaten in days.

I laughed loudly and began to eat my food.


The lady in the cloak laugh and began to eat her food, not knowing the eyes she attracted. the cloaked man in the corner of the room didn't remove his eyes from her. He had places to be, people to find, commands to be made. But he found himself in this bar, watching a women eating and feed the homeless. 

He felt like he knew her, her inticing laugh sorrounding him and giving him the feeling of wrapping her in a hug and relishing the feeling of home. 

He imagined the day's when he would lounge around with his Treasure, warm light shining through the window, his head in her lap as she stroked his hair. The sun reflected off her grey eyes and made them look like stars in the universe. They used to dance to music she created, and hold eachother in there sleep as they tangled together. 

How he missed her.

He watched the cloaked women bend down to talk to the small boy in the seat next to her. He said something and the women threw her head back and erupted into laughter. The man clenched his fist, that women, she sounded so familiar, like his treasure. 

The boy seemed to say something else and the women stopped, she seemed to tilt her head and think before she answered. She said something and reached up, her delicate hands slowly lifted back her hood from her face.

Slowly a nose a apperared, then a cheek, slowly as if in slow motion her whole face appeared. The man's heart beat speed up and his breath quickened, his palms seemed to sweat. 

His world centered around this moment, the moment he was waiting for.

The last of her hood fell away and the man's world shattered.

It was not His Treasure.

HELLO CHILDREN!!!!!! I'm sorry about the disappintment chapter. But did you really expect Lilly and Tus's reunion  to be this early? NO! I need you to want this!!! I want the reunioin to be sweet... Or not ;)

Where you dissapointed? 

When will Lilly and Tus Reunite?

How do you like this style of writing? Should I countinue? Or was there no difference?


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