Part 25

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HELLO CHILDREN!!!!! I hope you are all staying safe, and comfortable!!! I am currently slacking off on my packing that I'm supposed to be doing...

Tus hung off the cold walls of the royal prison. His clothes were tattered and blood dripping from wounds on his body.

He rose his head to look out the barred window of the dimly lit cell.

He moved and his chains rattled against the stone wall. His hair was greasy and hide is eyes.

The door to his cell opened and boots walked toward him.

"Just look at you..."
The first prince smirked as he looked at his brother.
"Broken and bleeding, hanging off the wall of a royal prison. Treated like the lowest of scum. For what? A little brat who can't keep it in her pants. I bet she's doing William and crying his name."

Tus showed no reaction and Alex continued trying to get some sort of reaction out of Tus.

"You can go back to the castle, all you have to do is tell us her plan. Where is she headed? Why does she want Williams help?"

Tus didn't answer just hung limply against the stone wall.

Alex began to get mad with the lack of reaction from his brother.
He walked to Tus and grabbed his shirt to look into Tus's eyes.

He didn't expect Tus to head butt him. All in one movement Tus pulled on his restraints, the wall they were attached to creaked.

He pulled again and the wall began to creak.
Alex was holding on to his head, he laid on the floor focused on the ringing sound in his ears.

Tus pulled again and the chain broke free from the wall and onto the ground.

Tus walked slowly toward his brother, Alex looked up to see his brother standing over him.

Alex complexion turned ghostly, he watched as his brothers eyes gleamed red full of killing Intent. The shadows seemed to thicken around him and form into a shape the swirled around him. It took form into a black dragon, is eyes matched Tus. They were filled with war and blood, cold with death.

Tus opened his mouth and spoke words that were so chilling that the ground itself seemed to tremble with fear.

"Don't disrespect my Treasure."

The dragon slowly crawled it's way to the first prince.
Blood trickledown into the cracks of the ground, seeping into the earth and saturating the ground.

Lilly skipped around the festival, eating and playing carnival games.
Children were playing jump rope and hopscotch. She exitedly ran into
The rope and began jumping with a cute little boy around the age of 7.

The children laughed as she made silly faces at them. She seemed to sparkle when she laughed.

William watched from afar, his expression was one of guilt.
His arms were full of food and prizes from the shops and festival games.

When Lilly was done she picked up the little boy and threw him up in the air and spun him around. He laughed and she giggled at the sound.

The parents of the child leaned into each other and smiled as they watched the wholesome scene.

Lilly was soon surrounded by children because they wanted to also get thrown.

When Lilly got tired she waved to the child goodbye and ran to William.

William was not ready for when she threw herself at him knocking them both to the ground with a thump.

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