Part 28

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HELLO CHILDREN!!!!!! My dog is trying to eat me, send help!!!😭😭

Lilly carried August down the long hallways. He snuggled his head into your shoulder and sighed.

Lilly gripped the small child in her arms, she gazed at her... Guide?

She was unsettled, to say the least.
The large man in front of her looked like he could bench press a bus. As he walked his hips swayed and Lilly looked respectfully at his ass.

He may be scary as hell but the man had an ass. She quit her ogling and coughed lightly.

As they walked down the hall they turned a corner and walked into a nearby room.

As Lilly went to walk into the room the door slammed and locked her outside into the large and spacious hallway.

"What the hell..."
August laid with his against her neck. With his arms around her neck.

Lilly adjusted him and started to walk down the long hallway.

' Well that was just plain old rude. I'm just going to find the exit.' Lilly looked down at the boy In her arms. Where were his parents?

As Lilly walked down the hall she began to wonder where she was. From what it looked like, she was in an old castle. Old stones lined the walls and red banisters hung from the ceilings. As Lilly looked closer at the banisters, she vaguely saw a faded symbol.

Before she could make out what it was a gust of wind flew past her face and a loud clang landed by her feet.

An axe had embedded itself into floor mear inches from her toes.

She slowly turned her head to look at the rusty suit of armor.

She adjusted the Agustus in her hold and kicked suit if armor.

The suit fell apart and crashed to the floor with a loud thud.

It seemed to have awoken the sleeping boy, he woke with a start grabbed my arm.
He grabbed my arm so hard I yelped and he quickly let go.

I could feel the eventual bruising that would happen already.

I looked at the small boy of 6 who was looking down at his bare feet in what seemed to be shame.

Lilly crouched down next to the boy to look at him. His red eyes were downcast and watery.

Lilly panicked and flailed around to try and find something to say to him.

She settled for a head pat, as she touched the soft hair on his head he sniffled.

As she touched him he looked up at her in surprise, Lilly smiled a bright smile.
" It's ok, you didn't do it on purpose. Here look."

Lilly stretched out the opposite arm that wasn't bruised and showed him.

The child looked at the silky skin in front of him and frowned.

Lilly took that as a sign to pick up the child once again before he started to ask questions.

Lilly started down the hallway, looking for somewhere she could possibly escape. After a while, August began playing with Lilly's hair. Lilly giggled and turned her head toward the small boy. His hands were tangled in her ash gray hair, his small beautiful face was scrunched up in consideration. Lilly leaned in and licked his little nose, a surprised look passed over his face.

Lilly laughed and suddenly threw August in the air. He made no noise, but a large smile lit up his face as he was tossed and spun in a circle.

Lilly laughed with the boy as she threw him in the air. She caught the boy and spun around in a circle. His legs flew around and he seemed to be having fun.

A loud cough sounded behind them and Lilly spun around with August in her arms. She held the child in a protective hold and seemed to huddle over him as if to protect him.

Lilly addressed the person across her in a once over. The older man had Black Hair, and striking blue eyes. He had long and lanky limbs with long elegant fingers. He was a handsome for a guy seemingly twice her age.

The man didn't even glance at her, he was looking directly at the child in her grasp. His ice blue eyes moved and seemed to have a conversation with the smaller child in her arms.

The man face twisted into a face of disgust as he finally looked at Lilly. He looked at her like dirt under his new shoes.

Lilly glared at him, ' Come at me bitch.'

The man didn't move, he only sighed and nodded.

Lilly missed the conversation that played out between the man and the child.

She didn't see the cold, blank expression on the child's face.

She didn't see the murder intent pouring out of him and filling the hallway.

She missed the warning that the man gave her.


I AM SO SORRY ABOUT NOT POSTING IN A WHILE, SCHOOL SUCKS. Please be patient, I love you all.

Who is that man?

What was the warning about?

Is that child any ordinary child?


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