ch 6

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Naruto POV

Aneki told me that Jiji wanted to see me. Even I noticed that she was acting weird. And when I pointed that out she just sighed and told me that I was going to be late. 

Some villagers were glaring at me, but since I had met Aneki most of them have stopped. She's like a guardian angel Dattebayo.

" JiJi" I yell and jump onto him. 

" Hello Naruto, how have you been," He asks and I grin. 

" Great I'm a ninja now. It won't be long before I take that hat of yours." I tell him and he laughs. 

" I'll wait for that day" He responds and I feel my grin grow. 

" Now I wanted you to hear for a reason," He tells me and I stand proudly. He's probably going to tell me how awesome I am. 

3rd POV

" I am going to tell you the truth about what happened the day the Kuybi attacked" the Hokage tells Naruto. 

" Aneki already told me that Dattebayo!" Naruto responds. 

" Akari only told you what she was cleared to say, but after a long fight with the council she convinced them to allow you to know the rest" the Hokage responded and Naruto looked shocked. 

" You see the forth was a kind man. He didn't want for someone to give up their child for him to seal the Kuybi in. So he did the only thing he could. He sealed the Kuybi into his newborn twins. " The Hokage said and Naruto visibly paled and started to shake. For a while he was quiet, and that terrified the Hokage. 

" That guy gave his kids this burden!" Naruto yelled and the Hokage sighed. 

" He did it because he had to for the village" the Hokage responded giving Naruto a framed picture of the forth. 

He looked like an older version of Naruto, without the whiskers. For so long he wanted so long to know whether he looked like his mom or dad. Now it was obvious that he looked almost identical to his dad. That thought alone felt weird. 

" So I'm Aneki's real brother?" Naruto spoke up and the Hokage looked amused. 

" Actually its imouto" The Hokage spoke up and Naruo's jaw dropped. 

" I-I'm older" Naruto said and shook his head. 

" Now back to the explanation, one of you needed to be revealed as the child of Kushina and the 4th, since several of Kushina's friends knew that she was pregnant and I decided that Akari looked more like a mix of her mother and father. In return you would be an orphan. Now before you say anything else I would like to explain that to you" The Hokage cut of a disbelieving Naruto. 

Naruto with raging eyes stayed quiet. 

" The forth had many enemies and add Kushina into that and if you were revealed you would have been killed. Akari had to be put under 24-hour surveillance every day and even then she was nearly been killed too many times. Her first genin and chunin team were killed by Iwa ninja trying to capture her. She had to hold the attention on her shoulders to keep you safe, so she did it without hesitating. " The Hokage finished and Naruto began to sob. 

He couldn't help but want to sucker punch the man who did this. His own dad. The man that he looked up to every day. 

He's seen the scars on Akari's body when she trained with him. She told him that it happened the day her team died, but didn't tell him anything else. And it was her own dad's fault. His fault too. 

The thing he's wanted for so long is what she nearly died for having. He used to envy her for being the princess of the village, but a bigger part of him thought of her as his savior. The girl who not only stood by him when he was getting insulted by the village, but defended him. 

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