ch 7

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Kakashi POV 

This is the first time I have passed a team. At first, I thought it was the iconic idiot, fangirl, and broody smartass. After all, my team mirrored this though and so did most others. 

That was what I thought in week one. After that, I realized that I was only right about Sasuke. Don't get me wrong Sakura is a fangirl, but she is actually interested in learning, mostly about Genjutsu and Medical ninjutsu. After that painful reminder of Rin there, I see Obito in Naruto. 

An almost mirror image of my sensei. I was expecting an idiot and I did get one. But there are some small moments that I see his actual talent. Like the way, he uses Minato's sword, which I have no idea where he got. 

Even Sasuke is realizing that his teammates are catching up to him. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing. This could push him to train harder and get to know his teammates or push them away in envy. 

Sakura while still being a huge fangirl, can heal small cuts and knows basic medical treatments. 

Naruto is learning the Uzumaki Kenjutsu, and Taijutsu, and already knows two basic wind techniques. 

He also knows who his parents are. I heard Danzo yelling about it during a council meeting. I zoned out when he started talking so all I know is that his sister Akari told him the truth along with the Hokage. 

His sister is almost his complete opposite. She looks like a mirror image of Kushina, but with Sensei's eyes and whiskers. Yet her personality is that of sensei, yet she can get cheeky during a meeting. 

She prefers to work solo, but when put in a team she works efficiently. She rose through the ranks faster than every prodigy in the leaf. She is being considered for Anbu captain at the age of 12. 

I have known her for about 4 years now. We've never spoken outside of missions, and we were fine with that. After I saved her as a kid, after seeing the blank face flicker for a second after watching her teammates died. I can't go to her now after that. 

We are currently catching Tora the cat. Again. 

" Team in positions" I call into the mick.  

" Sakura at point A" Sakura calls and I can hear her in the tree across from mine. 

" Sasuke at point B" Sasuke grunts, not doing a good job of hiding his distaste for the mission. 

".. Naruto at point C" Naruto called out after a second a bit late. 

" Pay attention Naruto" I tell him and I can practically hear his pout. 

" Targets moving capture now" I say and three blurs hit the ground. I wake down the tree lazily and move towards my team. Naruto is yelling at the cat in his arms, while Sasuke and Sakura are looking at me. 

 The cat is catching Naruto's face off but I'm getting to the good part of my book, plus my team should take care of themselves for a second. 

" Hey, Naruto can I try healing your cuts I haven't really tried with anything this deep," Sakura asks the blond. 

" Sure, I heal quickly!" Naruto exclaims and Sakiras hand begins to glow green. After a few minutes Naruto is completely healed. 

" Wow Sakura, your amazing" Naruto yelled as we were walking to the Hokage tower, Tora now purring in Sasuke's arms. 

Sakura blushed at the sudden praised and laughed. 

" Thank you sister, she helped me out after the test and even introduced me to my current medical ninjutsu teacher" Sakura responds and Sasuke slightly stiffens. 

" Yeah! Imouto is great" Naruto yelled and we finally got to the Hokage tower. 

As we reached the mission room, Akari was leaving. Decked out in ninja gear, but without a mission scroll. 

" You going on a mission Imouto" Naruto asked practically jumping up and down.

" Nope, going to see my sparing partner" she responded with a smile. Winking at Naruto who seemed to understand who she was going to see. 

" You haven't seen him in like months Dattebayo!" Naruto responded and Akari nodded. 

" I'll be back in four days, you know what to do if you're in trouble," Akari said nodding at Naruto, she shared a grin with Sakura and nodded at Sasuke and I. 

" Hn dobe what did your sister mean," Sasuke asked Naruto before we entered the door. 

" This summons Akari to me if I send chakra through it" Naruto states pulling down his jacket showing a modified Harashin mark on his collar bone. 

I nearly stiffened at the Harashin mark but calmed down. That's when I noticed two other seals right below the Harashin one. 

Before I could ask Naruto opens the door with a bang. 

" Jiji we have to cat!" He yells and I wince. 

" Naruto you can't disrespect the Hokage like that" Sakura scolds/growls and I feel my eye twitch. 

" It's fine Sakura I am used to it after all" the Hokage waves off and I can feel the glare of my two other genins. 

" We want a better mission" Naruto calls out and I hit him overtop the head. 

" Naruto" I sigh out and just want to read my book. I should have seen this coming. 

" I want to go on a mission like Imouto does!" He yells out and the Hokages smile drops. 

" I wouldn't wish for those missions Naruto" The Hokage states and I can't help but nod. 

She is going to be Anbu captain in a few weeks, the missions she will go on now are going to be watched and monitored for one mistake. I should know, I nearly murdered the council during my testing period. 

This makes me go back to what she told Naruto earlier. Who is she meeting? 

" Pay attention!" The Hokage yelled, making me look up from my thoughts. 

" Oh Gomen Gomen" I said waving my book. 

" Fine, you will get a C rank" the Hokage states and I am not sure to be thankful or upset. 

" You better not have the Uzumaki curse Naruto" The Hokage states absentmindedly while looking at a scroll. Naruto looked as if he were considering it but then shook his head. 

" Wait Uzumaki curse," Sakura asked voicing my thoughts and Naruto turned red. 

" Every Uzumaki that has trained in this village had their first C-rank mission go up at least one rank, Akari had hers turn into an S rank and that me being generous" The Hokage stated and I remembered Kushina telling m about her first mission becoming an A rank. 


We all met at the bridge. 

Naruto had his jacket zipped the whole way covering his Uzumaki symbol for some reason. His fathers sword was strapped on his waist. A scroll was strapped onto his lower back. 

Sakura had her normal dress, but a green backpack was on her back along with some kunai adoring her waist and thigh. A customized med kit was attached to the bottom of her bag. 

Sasuke was the only one who just put on a backpack. 

"Let's go!" Naruto yelled and I can already see our client Tazuna signing his will. 

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