Chapter 4: The Test

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Hello my good readers! Happy Sunday! This is my treat to you because I won't be able to update for a while. Going on vacation with the family for christmas! This will be a long chapter don't worry. I'd first like to give a shoutout to my friend Sashana for helping me with this chapter! Thank You! I DO NOT OWN FAIRY TAIL!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Samantha P.O.V

I open the book of spells trying to find a star and moon spell. Then I come across one that looks really interesting. Sunbeam huh? Seems wicked powerful. "I got a spell." I tell them.

"Good. Now choose a person you want to use the spell on." Lucy says. I look at the 4 of them. Lucy? Nah has tons of spirits. Erza? If I want to have my funeral today I don't think so. Natsu? I don't want to fight with my older brother. Gray? Good choice. Not only will the sunbeams melt his ice they are destructive.

"Gray." I choose. So Lucy, Erza, and Natsu all back up giving us room to fight.

"I have to warn you. I'm not holding back just because your a girl or my comrade." He reminds me.

"Me neither. I'll hit you with everything I got." I remind him. He just smirks. I'll show them the real power I hold. I think to myself.

"Ready?! Begin!" Erza yells. It's time for me to do this.

"Sunbeam: Full Power!" I yell while sunlight starts shooting out of my hands.

"Ice Make: Shield!" I hear Gray cast. This should be a piece of cake. I'll take him out with one blow.

Then the sunbeams start hitting his shield but it doesn't break. I gasps. That's impossible! He's able to withstand sunlight! He must have known what I was thinking because he says"I told you I wasn't holding back and I meant it." I growl at his actions then stop the spell. Guess I'll have to hit him from behind. That's right I'll control the attack to be thrown in different angles.

I close my eyes and my body begins to glow with magic power. I open my eyes and yell"Sunbeam: Full Power!" Light begins to target him.

"Ice Make: Shield!" He casts creating a shield full of ice again. You left yourself wide open Fullbuster! I run behind him and hit him with the attack. He groans and falls down.

"Battle is over!" Erza yells. I did it! I yell in my head while jumping up and down.

"Good job Sammy!" Lucy compliments me. I just smile at her.

"Never thought you had it in you to think of your targets weakness." Gray says while getting up.

"Well obviously she gets her smarts from me." Natsu says in a duh tone.

"No she doesn't! Your too dense to know anything flame brain!" Gray teases him.

"What you call ice princess?!" Natsu retorts back.

"Are you deaf or just plain idiotic?!" Gray yells back.

"Would you two shut up already?!" Erza yells annoyed. They quiver in fear saying "Yes ma'am." Lucy and I just giggle at there actions.

"Well then. Let's go back to the guild and get something to eat." Lucy says. We nod our head and walk back to the guild in silence.

Then the voice comes back again. 'Just leave them! Never turn back! They'll die because of you Sammy!' I just shake off the voice but I am a bit worried about why they would say this.

When we go inside the guild there are 3 figures if people standing there. A blonde haired, A black haired, and A white head. Who are they?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who are the 3 mysterious hair colored people? Who is the voice inside Samantha's head and what does it want?

Keep reading to find out! Also I need some votes for who should Samantha go out with.
Or make up a new character?

Thank You!!!

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