Chapter 1

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I groaned as I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off.

Today was my first day of my Sophomore year in high school and my older brothers first day of his senior year.

I got up and turned the alarm off rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Before I started getting ready I heard the familiar sound of my Shih Tzu Scout coming into my room.

"Hi Scout!" I said quietly bending down to pet him. He jumped up and started licking my nose which made me laugh.

"Good morning to you too!" I pet him behind his ears then decided to start getting ready. I picked out what I would be wearing and walked into the bathroom to take my shower.

As I turned the water off I finally heard my brother get up and start to get ready.

I got dressed into my plain white t-shirt, high waisted light blue cuffed Jean's, and my Starry Night jacket, and my black converse.

As I walked down stairs I saw burly brother already sitting down at the counter and drinking his cup of coffee.

"Morning" I said as I grabbed my Hufflepuff mug from the cabinet. I filled it with water and put it in the microwave for a minute and a half.

"Morning, do you need a ride or is Sid picking you up?"

"Sidney is picking me up but cant drive me home after, he has work." I said continuing to make myself my mint tea.  He nodded and resumed drinking his coffee.

When he finished his coffee he got up and finished getting ready. By the time he was finished I already was on my phone waiting for Sidney to pick me up.

"Well, I'll see you after school, or wait nope, I'll see you at chorus today. I'm gonna go pick up Ryan, see you later" he said

"See ya later Brendon." I said hardly looking up from my phone.

Five minutes later I got a text from Sidney saying he was outside waiting for me.

I walked out and saw my best friend Sidney, his brother Charlie, and my other friend Maggie waiting.

Sidney was a year older than me, we had met last year when he and I were both in our schools musical. He was Belle's father and I was Chip in Beauty and the Beast. Charlie was a Freshman and was one of the most talented runners I knew. Finally Maggie was also a year older than me, we had met in show choir last year after she and I both had solos.

"We just need to pick up Logan then we will be on our way" Sidney said as I took the seat next to Maggie.

Logan was in my class and he had completely blown everyone away last year when he landed Lumiere as a Freshman. If he hadn't been so young he easily could have landed The Beast. Yeah, I had a huge crush on Logan and everyone in the car knew it.

When we reached Logans house he came out immediately and I saw that he had a glow up. If that was at all possible. He looked more handsome than he did last year. He had grown a sold 4 inches, his acne was nonexistent, and his sandy blonde hair was perfect. His green eyes seemed almost greener but that might have been because he no longer wore glasses.

I could see Maggie smirking as Logan sat down next to me.

"Hey Y/N" he said

"Hey Logan, how was your summer?"

He went on to explain how he was able to spend a week with his older brother in New York and how he saw Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera live. I was jealous of course because well I'm a theater kid who never has seen any shows on Broadway. I could have listened to him talk about New York for hours and not gotten bored, but of course we got to the school.

"I'll tell you more about it during lunch okay?" He said as he walked over to his locker which was on the other side of the hall. I nodded and started to try and get my locker opened. I always have struggled with these locks. Once I finally got my locker unlocked I started to put up my pictures of me and my friends and a few of Brendon and I. I had about 10 pictures in all but there would definitely be more as the year progressed.

"Hey Y/N," I heard someone say next to me. I looked over to the next locker over and saw one of my childhood friends Ellie, we really dont talk that much anymore but she is still someone I can consider a friend.

"Hey Ellie," I said

"I was wondering what classes you had this year? Or at least in the morning because non of my friends have the same classes as me and well, it would be nice to at least have a familiar face" we showed each other our schedules and it turned put we both had Studio Art, Chorus, Geometry, Living Environment, and Advanced Global together. Almost the exact same schedule except she was in Advanced English and I was in normal English. She also was taking French II while I was taking Spanish II. That ment we had our first mod class together, Living Environment.

"We have about five minutes until Living starts and I normally stop by Mrs Powers every morning so do you want to meet up there or come with me?" I said

"I might go meet up with Lauren and Shannon, but I'll see you there" Ellie said. I smiled, she was such a sweet girl. She, Shannon, and Lauren were easily top three in our class but she never let the fact that she was so smart get the best of her, she was so willing to help anyone who needed it and to be honest would likely become my English tutor at some point.

I walked down towards the art room and smiled. As much as I hate getting up for school, I still enjoyed certain aspects of it. Like seeing my friends, and going to see Mrs Powers every morning.

She was by far my favorite teacher, she was the art teacher and I dont know if I would be here today if it wasn't for her or her class. As I approached the art room I felt someone come up behind me and jump.

"SUP BITCH!" I turned around and saw that it was my art mom.

"You know not to do that! I thought I was gonna die!" I said to Alois.

"You love me"

"Fuck off"

We walked into the art room and I was greeted by the smell of clay and paint.

"I'm home!" I yelled which got my favorite teachers attention.

"How have you been Y/N?"

"I've been better but also been WAY  worse so meh." I knew not to lie to Mrs Powers about how I was feeling because she would be able to tell and likely tell my brother if she didnt think I was taking care of myself. She cared, more than most teachers at least.

"Hey Y/N." I heard from the painting area.

"Ryan!" I yelled running over but stopping.

"You dont have any paint on you right? I just finished this jacket on Friday and I dont want it ruined just yet."

"I'm good," he said bracing himself for a huge bear hug. He was right to brace himself.

"Ah, Y/N I need to breathe please" finally I let go.

"So how are you and my brother doing?" I asked smirking

"Goo- wait we aren't da-"


"You guys bet on us?"

"You know it Ry, I mean come on it's me. Y/N Y/M/N Urie, of course I bet on my brothers relationship" I said

Just then the bell rang and I knew it was time to go to my first class.

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