Chapter 3

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Eventually we reached lunch, Ellie abandoned me to go sit with her friends at there table so I went to sit with Sidney and Maggie.

"Hey I saw you and the new kid talking," Maggie said

"Oh Dallon? Yeah he's pretty cool. He is good friends with Ryan," I said

"I'm good friends with who?" Ryan Ross asked sitting down next to Sidney

"Not you Ryan, other Ryan. Blue hair, drummer." I said hoping to spark his memory

"OH okay, well I'm sitting with you guys now because Brendon already landed a lunch detention with Hartnett"

"What the fuck this Bren do this time?" I asked

"Apparently she didnt like him yelling fuck you down the hall at Jared." We all laughed because knowing Jared he probably deserved a lot more than just my brother yelling at him.

"Anyways I just got out of Jazz band and that new kid Dallon? He is really fucking good," I smiled at this, I would need to hear him play soon.

"Where is he anyways?" I asked looking around hoping he wasn't sitting alone. I hope I made it clear he was welcome to sit with us.

"He's with Laertes, Issac, Jake, and Amber I think." I smiled knowing he was with a good group. I didnt want to be to over protective or anything but he was a good guy and I didnt want him mixing with the wrong people.

Just as Ryan said that out of my peripheral vision I saw someone sit next to me.

"Hey Y/N, Ryan" I looked over and saw Logan.

"Hey Logan," Ryan and I said at the same time.

"Guess who I was just talking to" he said to the whole group. All of us asked variations of who but I already knew the answer

"Mrs Crosby?" I asked

Logan nodded

"She just told me what show we are doing next year." He said smiling.

I. Freaked. Out.

"What!?" I exclaimed excitedly

"Drumroll please" he said smirking.

We all started the drumroll extremely excited to find out what it would be.

"We are doing... Les Miserables!" He said excited.

I couldn't contain myself.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!" I yelled getting really excited. I LOVED Les Mis more than any other show and everyone knew it.

"Yes!" He said matching my enthusiasm.

I really hoped that I would be able to play Cosette, even though I was only a Sophomore I was one of only two or three girls who could really hit the notes needed to play Cosette. That plus my main competition had graduated last year. If you cant tell Cosette is my dream role. Logan would have no problem getting Marius which I knew was his dream.

"Oh my gosh! Imagine it Y/N, you as Cosette, Logan as Marius, me as Éponine, Sidney as Javert, oh who would be Jean Valjean, Fantine, Madame Thénardier or Thénardier?" Maggie said

"Brendon as Jean Valjean." I said as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

"And Mirra Robers as Fantine" Logan said

"I'm auditioning as Thénardier but I dont know if I'll get it." Ryan said

"You likely will," I said smiling. Ryan was one of the most talented people I k ew and could even give Logan or my brother a run for their money if he wanted to, but I knew they always went for different roles so it wouldn't happen.

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