Chapter 7

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"Brendon!" I yelled over to his locker. Tyler and Josh behind me.

"I need you to take Tyler, Josh and I to the hospital," I said using a tone th as t told him to not ask any questions.

"Okay... but why?" God damnit Brendon

"I'll explain in the car, come on." I said grabbing his arm and dragging him to his car. When we all piled in (Ryan tagged along because Brendon was sort of his ride home) Brendon looked at me straight in the eye and asked

"What the hell is going on? Why do we need to go to the hospital?"

"JUST DRIVE!" Tyler, Josh, and I all yelled at the same time.

"Geeze okay, but you need to tell me what's going on," Brendon said putting his car into reverse and pulling out of the schools parking lot.

"Remember what I told you in chorus?" I asked

"Yea- ohhhh okay I get it now." Brendon said. It suddenly dawning on him how important it was for us to get Tyler to see his cousin.

"Whst the fuck is going on!?" Ryan asked, I looked over at Tyler asking if he was okay with Ryan knowing. He gave me a nod and I explained everything. Right as I finished explaining we pulled into the visitors parking lot. Tyler, Josh, and I ran to the entrance not bothering to wait for Brendon or Ryan.

As we reached the desk the Blonde receptionist looked up at us.

"Yes?" She asked obviously bored

"Eleanor Joseph?" Tyler asked

"Family only," she said

"I'm her cousin, and this is my boyfriend, and she is Ellies friend" Tyler said

"You can go in, she is in room 21, you two can wait over there." The receptionist said pointing to the waiting area. Tyler looked over at us and we both silently told him it was okay to go in without us.

We both took a seat waiting for news from Tyler or anybody.

"So you and Tyler?" I asked to break the silence. Josh blushed.

"Not officially, we've been on a few dates but aren't dating. I think he just said that to try and get me in as well." I nodded and it was silent again.

I got a text from my mom telling me to text her when I needed to be picked up but other than responding to her telling her I would, I couldn't bring myself to do anything but sit and wait.

When Tyler came out he told the receptionist that the doctor would let Josh and I in.

"Come on," I said to Josh as we both got up and walked with Tyler to Ellies room. The white walls made me even more upset especially when we reached her room.

She was hooked up to a machine which was keeping track of her heart rate, and was hooked up to an IV which was pumping blood.

"She'll survive, but aunt Lisa said that she is gonna be staying home for a while, to recover and because she is being put on suicide watch" Tyler said, it was a relief but I still couldn't help but be worried. As Tyler, Josh and I stayed in Ellies room waiting we could hear the sound of more people coming towards her room.

"Is she okay?" I heard a feminine voice ask.

"Yes, she will survive but we are asking no more than three people in the room at once. I could tell it was Ellies moms voice and the others sounded like Ellies older brother and sister.

"Josh we should let them in." I said, Josh nodded and we both started to move out of the room.

"Y/N" I turned around and Ellies mom was there.

"Thank you for taking Tyler to Mr Armstrongs office. If you hadn't I don't think Ellies dad would have known that she was in the bathroom and-"

"Mrs Joseph, it was really nothing. We both were worried and it was the only thing I could think to do."

"It wasn't nothing Y/N, I hope you realize that. You and Tyler saved my daughter." She said starting to choak up. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. She started to cry which made me start to cry and soon we both were sitting in the chairs next to Ellies room.

I had planned on going home after finding out whether or not Ellie would be okay, but after seeing how distraught Ellies mom was I knew I couldn't leave just yet.

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