Chapter 8

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I didnt leave until visiting hours were over. That is to say I didnt get home until about 9. My mom told me I didnt need to go back to school tomorrow which was a relief, I knew that the news would have traveled by now that Ellie Joseph, the cheerful, smart, talented girl who everyone seemed to love and go to, attempted suicide. I didnt want to deal with people being nosy and asking me about it.

Was that selfish? Maybe. But I knew that I wouldn't be able to stay put together and go through the day as if everything was normal.

"I'm sorry you need to go through this Y/N, you are to young to need to deal with this sort of thing." My mom said in an attempt to make me feel better but it only made me feel worse.

I could tell I would break any moment now and start crying again. It wasn't like she actually died, why am I so upset? Because she almost succeeded? Because I didnt notice her hurting? Probably.

"Y/N I kn-"

"Can you just stop trying to make me feel better? It's not helping. I just need some time the think and to be alone." I snapped. I had never snapped at my mom like that before, I immediately regretted it but couldn't think of what to say to make up for it.

"I understand," she said before we started just driving in silence.

When we got home I made a beeline for my room. I could hear my dad and Brendon calling my name but I ignored them.

"Just let her have some time." I heard my mom say. Thank god she at least let them know I wanted to be alone.

I pretty much went straight to sleep, I didnt bother to text anyone or do anything.

The next day I woke up at around 10:30 to about a million texts from multiple people.

Brendon- mom told me that you were staying home today, stay safe ❤

Tyler- thanks for last night, Aunt Lisa sends her thanks as well

Josh- are you going to school today?

Josh- just asking because I'm not

Unknown Number- Hey its Lisa Joseph, Tyler gave me your number if that's alright. I just wanted to let you know that I'm eternally thankful and that Ellie is supposed to come home in about a week. (She woke up at about 6 this morning according to the doctor)

I added Lisa to my contacts and sent her a text telling her that I was just worried and that I was happy to hear that Ellie had woken up. I also messaged Josh and told him I also was staying home. I also told Tyler that it was really nothing and that I was just worried.

The other texts were all variations of 'where are you?' And 'what's going on why aren't you at school?' From Logan.

I texted him and told him I was at home and safe.

Logan ❤- thank god, I was worried.

Me- I understand, I'll be back on Monday dont worry.

Logan ❤- can we go on a date on Saturday? Like to the movies or something?

Me- I'll think about it, sorry I just dont know how I'll be feeling tomorrow.

Logan ❤- I understand

His response felt like he really didnt understand but I decided to ignore it and watch F/S/T (favorite show title)

At around 3:30 I heard a knock on the front door and I went outside my room for the first time all day. When I opened the door I saw that it was Ryan and Dallon.

"Hey guys," I said suddenly realizing I was still in my pajamas (a Nirvana shirt that was to big and gym shorts)

"Some of our teachers gave us some of your work you missed because I live across the street so we decided to bring it to you. I know it's not exactly wh as t you want to get on a Friday but..." Ryan said starting to trail off

"Thanks guys, um you can come in if you want," I said moving out of the way. They came in and I took the pile of work up to my room. I decided to change my shorts into a pair of plain black skinny jeans and put my hair into a messy bun.

I made sure I looked semi presentable and then went downstairs. Brendon and other Ryan had come home and were talking with Dallon and Ryan. (This is gonna be hard, sorry guys but I love both Ryan's to much to not include them both)

"Hey," I said

"Feeling better?" Brendon asked

"Meh, it's nice to see people at least." I said taking a seat next to Dallon. We turned the TV on and decided to watch Doctor Who. It turned out Dallon loved it just as much if not more than me.

"Nonononono listen, Rose was a great companion but Rory and Amy were the best! I mean they are Riversongs parents, AND Angels Take Manhattan is by far the best and most sad episode in the whole series." I said

"I'll give you Angels Take Manhattan but Rose was just a total badass the entire time and the series would not be the same without her. I mean come on Bad Wolf is one of the quintessential parts of the whole new installments!" Dallon said

"Okay both of you, agree to disagree. Clearly neither of you are going to change the others mind." RyRo said (I guess that's how I'm doing this when both Ryan's are together now?)

"Thank you!" Brendon and Ryan said. The three of them were clearly done with the two of us bickering about Doctor Who.

"Let's watch A Very Potter Musical!" I said after the episode was done.

Brendon groaned because he had watched it about a million times with me but the others all agreed.

"I've never seen this before" Dallon admitted

"Neither have I," Ryan added

"HOW!?" Ryro and I gasped. I had turned Ryro into a bit of a Starkid stan over our years of knowing each other and he loved AVPM almost as much as me.

"I just never have had the time." Dallon said

"Well you are in for a treat." I said smiling ear to ear as I turned it on.

"Please don't sing the whole thing Y/N," Brendon said

"Hypocrite," I said under my breath but I knew he could hear. He rolled his eyes at me and I pressed play.

"Wait, is that Darren Criss?" Dallon asked

"Yes, now shhh you'll miss the best part." I said just before Joey Richter came on as Ron Weasley.

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