Chapter 1

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Chapter One: Six months later

Percy Jackson sat, leaning against one of the many support pillars under the bridge, opposite the small junk shack he and Nico had built over the past months. The two of them had become good friends, united by their love of rock, and their love of guitar.

At Percy's feet sat his school bag, and in his hands he held his beloved, dark blue, electric guitar Riptide. He strummed the guitar, playing a long, slow melody, to match the early morning. Eventually, his mind began to wander.

Today was a Tuesday, and he had to go back to Goode again. Seven long hours of boredom, added to the daily torture he received at the hands of the "Rich and Popular" crowd, and their hang-arounds. There were few people Percy hated more than them. To make things worse, he had to see Her. Out of all the people in the world, there probably wasn't anyone Percy Jackson hated more than her.

Suddenly, the melody coming from Riptide's amp changed, going from a slow melody, to an angry, fast one, to match the fire Percy felt inside him. As the sun climbed higher into the sky, Percy sat playing his guitar, transitioning back and forth between his calm and angry melodies.

Time passed and Percy kept playing, until he realized he was being watched. He stopped sharply, and looked up for the "intruder" but found only Nico.

"You're finally awake" Percy said, chuckling "Jesus man, you sleep like a damn corpse." Nico just shrugged, and blew some of his long hair away from his face. "How long have you been up?" Percy asked

"Long enough." The other boy said. "You know Perce, you're really good. You ever considered starting a band"

"Nah" Percy replied. "And even if I did, who'd want to work with a homeless teenager?"

"Hey!" Nico protested, feigning outrage "What about me? You forget about your bass guitarist already?"

"Fine. What drummer would want to work with two homeless teenagers?"

"You're a really talented guitarist, Perce. How the hell did you end up out here?"

"I ran away"

"Seriously? Why?"

Percy contemplated this question for a moment. He's been with me for six months, and I already know why he's here. He deserves to know about me.

It was true. A few days ago, Nico had told Percy why he was with him. His older sister, Bianca, had died in a car accident last year. Bianca had cared for Nico like a mother, always there for him, even if their parents were actually around. Her death destroyed Nico.

Nico's parents couldn't understand why Nico was so distraught. When he didn't show any signs of "Improvement" or stopping grieving, they tried to force him to. When that didn't work, they kicked Nico out onto the streets.

Finally Percy began to speak. " We were a very poor family. It was just me, my mom, and stepfather, and my stepfather liked to gamble away everything he earned. In July, just before my sophomore year started, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. It was too far along for it to be treated. All they could do was keep her alive longer. We tried, but we didn't have the money to pay. She died that October." Percy said, wiping away the tears forming in his eyes.

"At the same time, my best friend..." NO. a voice in Percy's head said. Don't go there yet. "Long story short, after that, things were bad enough for me to do this" Percy said, pulling up one of the long sleeves of his flannel t-shirt to reveal over a dozen thin white scars running horizontally across his wrist. "And I ran away. I grabbed Riptide, some clothes, a little money, and left. and here I am now."

"Jesus Perce. I'm sorry." was all Nico said.

"It's alright. what's in the past is in the past, and there's nothing I can do about it"

There was a tense moment between the two of them, which Nico broke by saying "But seriously. We should totally form a band"


"Why?" Nico pleaded

" 'Cause it just ain't happening Nico. Now stop begging. You look ridiculous."

"Well we still need to earn money. And if you won't start a band, there's another way"

" And what is that?"

"When you get to school, and have free time, find a public place. Leave your case open, and just play Riptide. People will love you, and throw money in"

"No" Percy flat-out refused. "I'm not taking anything from those people"

"I thought you might say that" Nico said, a mischievous grin on his face. "so let's make it a bet. If you come back with more than, let's say, five dollars, I win, and you have to find us a drummer. If you have five or less, than you win, and you don't have to dumpster dive for two weeks"

Percy contemplated this idea. He really didn't like dumpster diving, but neither did Nico. But he really didn't want Nico to win. "Alright. On two conditions. One: If I win, I'm not dumpster diving for a month. Two: You need to go and find some food today. We're almost out."

"Deal" Nico said, shaking Percy's outstretched hand. "When I win, you get to be lead singer. I'm just a simple guitarist"

"Yeah right. I gotta get going to Goode"

As Percy grabbed his things and was about to go, Nico asked him another question/.

"Why do you go there every day? We both know that you hate that place, and that they torture you there"

Percy looked over his shoulder at the boy in all black. "Because, Nico. I made a promise. To the people who I cared about the most. And I'll be damned before I break this one too." With that Percy set off.

After another incredibly long day of torture, at last the moment of truth had finally arrived. When Percy arrived at the shack that he and Nico shared, he wasn't surprised to see the other boy standing outside the shack, with an expectant look on his face.

"Well?" Nico asked. Percy just grinned and shock his head. Nico looked crestfallen. He could almost see the thoughts of a month of dumpster diving going through Nico's head. Percy wanted to laugh.

Instead, he set Riptide's case on the ground and opened it. Nico stood speechless, as dozens of shiny, silver coins spilled over the edge of the case, and clattered off the concrete.

Percy grinned, looking happier than he'd been in a long time. He said "I guess I gotta find us a drummer now"

Please forgive any mistakes until chapter 17, after that, you able to criticize all my work you want :)

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