Chapter 13

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Jason POV

Monday, March 29th. Two days after the concert.

Like every other day for the past three and a half years, Jason trudged down the sidewalk towards Goode Senior High School alone. Although, this walk was different from the rest. Why? Because Percy wasn't with him. Percy had stayed at home with Thalia and Nico. And Nico didn't have to go to school.

Percy had told Thalia that he needed to stay home so he could work on more songs for the party on Friday. He has a point. Jason thought. We can't afford to screw this up. But even if they desperately needed to make all of their songs perfect, Jason couldn't help but suspect that Percy had an ulterior motive to stay home today.

But they had a job! An actual, paying, job that someone hired them to do! And it was at a party no less!

The whole situation made Jason think that the three of them were just extremely lucky. What garage band gets a job right after a concert, let alone their first one?

The rest of the walk passed quickly as his mind was lost in plans and ideas of what would happen that night. Would everybody hate them? Or would it be the opposite? What if someone recognized them? What if...

Before Jason knew it, he had walked to the school and through the doors, and towards the spot where he and his friends met every day.

And by friends, he meant Luke, Annabeth, and the rest of them. It wasn't exactly his idea of fun.

As he got closer, he began to hear an intense conversation between Reyna and Annabeth.

"I'm telling you! They were!" Reyna said, looking at Annabeth angrily.

"I believe you." Annabeth said, looking like she couldn't care less. "That they were good. But I doubt that any garage band is the 'best music you've ever heard', especially not some crappy punk band that doesn't even have a name." Oh shit. Jason mentally screamed. They're talking about us!

"You weren't there. You wouldn't know" Reyna fired back.

"But you were the only one there. No one else can back up your claim" Annabeth retorted. It amazed Jason how calm she was.

"Piper was there." Reyna said defensively. Then she saw Jason. "Jason was the one who told me about it."

Damn it! Jason thought, as both Reyna and Annabeth turned on him.

"So, Jason. You were at Reyna's concert then?" Annabeth asked him.

He hesitated for a split second, before saying "No."

"See Reyna, no one else can even vouch for you. Now stop lying to us." Annabeth continued smugly, before walking off.

"Why weren't you there Jason?" Reyna asked as Annabeth walked away.

"Family stuff" Was all he replied.

"Oh" Reyna said, while Piper asked "How'd you know about the concert anyways?"

"Friend of a Friend is in the band." He lied, all the while trying not to embarrass himself. It was no secret that Jason had a huge crush on Piper.

"Who?" Reyna asked, catching Jason off guard.

"Bassist" He replied a little too quickly, but Reyna and Piper didn't seem to notice.

"Damn" Piper said, and Reyna shook her head, smiling. When she saw Jason's confused expression, she elaborated.

"Piper here was..." She started, before Piper cut her off.

"It wasn't just me! It was you too!" She said.

"Fine." Reyna replied, faking anger. "We were hoping you knew the lead singer so you could introduce us." She said carefully.

It took Jason a few seconds to understand what she meant by "introduce us", but when he did, he almost lost it. Using all of his self-control to not start laughing, Jason replied. "Sorry, I really can't help you there"

"No problem" Reyna said.

"Shit! Reyna we've got 2 minutes. Let's go" She said as she got up, pulling the other girl with her. "By Jason!" she called back, over her shoulder.

As Jason walked to his class, he couldn't help but think about what they had said. Would they still think that way if they knew that Percy was the lead singer, and he was the drummer? Would they accept them, or shun them, just because Percy was Percy Jackson, and Jason knew him. High school is fucked up. Jason thought.

As he entered his classroom, he couldn't help but think that if he wanted, Percy could use his music to become the most popular person in the school. But Jason knew that he didn't want to be, and that was what made him different from everyone else in this hell hole.

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