Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: A drummer

Jason POV

The school day had finally ended, and Jason was growing more and more nervous by the minute. What if somebody saw him? He knew Annabeth and Luke would be furious if they found out he was about to do. Grow a pair man. He mentally lectured himself. Besides, they won't kill you over simple conversation, right? Oh, Jason really hoped that was true.

He took a deep breath, and walked through the crowds of people flowing out the doors, towards the picnic tables where the already infamous incident between Percy and Luke had happened that morning. Only one table was occupied. Percy Jackson sat in the exact same place as he did that morning, playing guitar. Jason fished around in his pockets for some change, then tossed a quarter and a dime into the case. It was all he had on him. Percy didn't even look up, instead he just sat there playing.

For the next few minutes, Jason stood there awkwardly, waiting for Percy to finish. When the song ended, Jason thought to himself, it's now or never.

"Hey" Jason said, causing Percy to look up. For a moment, Percy looked almost happy. When he recognized Jason, he scowled

"It's you" Percy said, his voice flat "What do you want?"

"To talk" Jason said, rather lamely


"Music" That seemed to surprise Percy. Jason suspected nobody in this school every wanted to talk to him, let alone about music, which Percy was obviously very good at.

After a moment Percy replied "Won't they, like, banish you if they see you here?"

Jason just shrugged. Both of them knew who "they" were. "Probably" He answered.

"And you don't care?"

"Nope" Jason answered, honestly. Then it was his turn to be surprised, as Percy's face broke into a smile. "What?" Jason asked

"I always knew it" Percy half-answered. When Percy saw Jason's confused face, he elaborated "That you, Jason Grace, one Goode's best football players, in good with all the right people, were just a follower, too scared of Luke and Annabeth to do anything for yourself"

Jason was speechless. No one had ever said anything like that to him. Yet, part of him thought it was true. He didn't really do things for himself, and he was scared of Luke and Annabeth.

"If you're through with those people" Percy said, bringing Jason back down to Earth "Then have a seat, and we'll talk. If not, and you still have even a scrap of loyalty to people, then leave, and forget this every happened"

Jason didn't even need to think about this choice. He sat down next to Percy. "Good choice" Percy said. Jason grinned.

"You know, you're good with that guitar. You ever consider starting a band?" Jason asked.

"Suprisingly, yes. " Percy said, with a small laugh. I lost a bet to my...friend, and now I gotta find us our third member"

"What was the bet?" Jason asked

"That I wouldn't make any money playing guitar here." Percy said, gesturing to the specks of silver dotting the inside of his case "As you can see, I lost"

"I can" Jason said, laughing. After watching Luke and the others torture this kid day in and day out for almost three years, he couldn't understand how Percy could still make jokes and laugh. "So who've you got in your band?"

"Just me and Nico, a bassist" Percy replied. "We still need a drummer"


"Why? Do you know one?"

"Maybe I do" Jason said, with a small smile

"That's what I thought. So, you want in?"


"Good. We should meet today to get started"

"Sounds good"

"How about your house, in an hour?"

"An hour? Isn't that too soon? Don't you have stuff to do, like homework?"


"Ok then. In an hour" Jason said, tearing off a scrap of paper out of his notebook, and handingit to Percy.

"See ya then" Percy said, as he got up and waved.

"See ya" Jason said to Percy's back.

As Percy left, Jason wondered to himself How's Thalia going to deal with this? Then Jason set off for home.

30 minutes later

"Thalia?" Jason said as he walked through the door of the house he shared with his older sister.

"Jason?" She replied, coming out of her room. "What took you?"

"Made a new friend and started a band"

"Ha. That's funny. Seriously, where were you?" Thalia demanded. At 26, Thalia was going to college in the city, but still acted like she was Jason's mother. Which, to be fair, she almost was, as she raised him since she 16, and he was 8.

"You don't believe me? Thalia I'm hurt!" Jason said sarcastically.

"You weren't joking?" She asked, shocked.

"Nope. They'll be here in a half hour"

"You didn't even tell me first?" Thalia asked darkly

"Sorry" He said sheepishly, before walking into his room, and throwing his backpack onto the floor.

The half-hour passed quickly, and before Jason knew it, there was a pounding on their front door. He shot up, but Thalia beat him to the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked, annoyed

"Um, Hi" Percy said. "I think we have the wrong house, but I'm looking for Jason Grace" Jason chuckled. Percy sounded nervous, and Jason couldn't blame him. With her punk clothing, spiky black hair and electric blue eyes, Thalia was a very scary looking person.

"He's my brother" She said acidly "What do you want with him"

"Umm.." Percy started, but Jason saved him. "It's okay Thalia. You can let them in." Reluctantly, Thali moved aside, and let the two boys in.

"Percy, how 'bout you guys go out to the garage and I'll be there in a minute" Jason said, pointing to the door to the garage. Percy nodded, and started off, the dark-haired boy following close behind. Soon they disappeared into the garage and left Jason with Thalia.

"Is that Percy JAckson?" She hissed at him, her voice barely a whisper. "The one you told me about, from school?" Jason nodded, and she continued. "How much do you know about him?"

"Umm... He's poor, I think he has a roommate, an he plays awesome guitar" JAson whispered, as he turned around to go into the garage.

"Good luck" Thalia called after him. Jason nodded in thanks. He didn't know what to expect from the next few hours, but he definetly didn't expect that they would change his life forever

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