Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Elysium

Percy POV. Three weeks later.

It was midnight, and Percy and Nico were still at Jason's house. Lately, the three of them were playing well into the night, trying to crank out songs, and perfect old ones. So far, they had finished two: About a Girl and Come as You Are. Three songs; Dumb, You Know You're Right, and Aneurysm, just needed the words finished, and one needed a complete set of lyrics.

Percy leaned against the wall, panting, as they finished a run through of their unfinished songs. He looked around at Jason and Nico, who were both in a similar state. Nico lay on his back on the floor, and Jason sat with his back against his drums.

"So" Percy said, still panting. "Question of the century: When do we perform?" Jason just shrugged, while Nico whined.

"Not now. With great musical talent...Comes a great need to take a nap. Wake me up later." Nico said, still staring at the ceiling.

"Not a chance, dead boy." Percy said, as he flung a closed water bottle at Nico's face. "But seriously. I think we should perform"

"Yeah. But how? When? And where?" Jason asked.

"Open the garage door" Percy said with a smirk.

"Sounds good to me" Jason said. "For the when, how 'bout in two weeks?"

"TWO WEEKS?" Percy asked, shocked. He couldn't finish four songs in two weeks. "Are you crazy?"

"Nope" Jason replied. Seeing the shocked look that was still on Percy's face, he continued. "Think about it. It gives us time to tighten up our songs, and it pressures you to finish at least two songs"

Percy mulled this over in his head, considering it. Finally, he nodded. "Deal." He said. "What do you think, Ni..." Percy began to ask, but he was interrupted by a perfectly timed snore. With a sigh, Percy looked over to find Nico completely asleep, with a water bottle still on his face.

"Damn it Nico" Percy muttered to himself. With that, he grabbed the bottle, unscrewed the top, and poured its contents directly onto Nico's face. Nico shot up, spitting water out of his mouth, looking miserable. "We decided we're going to perform in two weeks" Percy said, bringing Nico up to speed.

"What, I don't get a say in this?" Nico asked

"Nope. You were asleep. That's why" Percy said, anticipating Nico's next question. Nico's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Okay. Fine. But can we please get some food? I'm starving."

Percy nodded and laughed, saying "All you do is eat and sleep Nico. I swear, I could replace you with a dog, they'd still be twice as productive as you"

"Ouch man." Nico said, returning Percy's laugh, and pointing to the right side of his chest. "That hurt. Right here"

"You're heart's on the left, Idiot" Jason said, beating Percy to it.

Nico frowned. "whatever. Can we go find food now?"

"Yes. We most definitely can" Percy said, holding open the door as the three of them filed into the house.

Jason POV

As soon as the three of them were in the house, Nico made a beeline for the kitchen, with Jason and Percy walking slowly behind him. When they finally caught up to Nico, they found him slumped in a chair, with a wild look on his face, eating Cheerios out of the box on the table. It looked absolutely hilarious. Both Percy and Jason broke down into fits of laughter.

"What?" Nico asked, annoyed

Jason just shook his head, still grinning. "Out of all the food in this house, you had to pick my Cheerios"

Elysium Percy Jackson (Read on if possible)Where stories live. Discover now