Chapter 14

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Percy POV

Friday, April 5th. Day of the party.

"Woah" Percy said, staring up at the house.

"Yeah" Nico replied, standing next to Percy and also staring at the house. "Definitely"

"You act like you've never seen a house before. Come on guys, help us out" Thalia said as she and Jason struggled to get Jason's drums and the microphone up into the house.

"That is not at all a house Thalia." Percy said as he picked up a drum. "That is at least a mansion, if not a palace"

"Whatever. Just help" She said, as Nico grabbed the last drum.

"I think you could have gotten some more money outta him, Thals" Nico said, hoisting the drum over his shoulder. "If he lives here, then he's loaded."

"Well how was I supposed to know he lived in a palace?" Thalia retorted.

"You still could've gotten us more money!"

"Why didn't you try then?"

"I.." Nico started, before Percy cut him off

"Would you two please shut up!" He half shouted at them. They were almost up the stairs now, and he was sick of their arguing. "It's like listening to a bunch of small children fight" he said, only half to himself. The two of them glared at him, but thankfully shut up. "Thank you" Percy said as he leaned forward, trying to balance the drum he was carrying, his guitar case, the amp case Nico refused to carry, and ring the doorbell.

The door swung open just before Percy could reach the bell. Percy sighed, and Beckendorf came out.

"Good. You made it." He said with a slight smile. "Need some help?"

"Yes please" Percy said, handing Beckendorf a drum.

"So, the party starts in half an hour. You guys can set up now, and then hang around until we're ready for you."

"Thanks" Thalia said, following Beckendorf through the house until they reached a large room with four large speakers off to one side.

"You guys can set up here. Unplug whatever you need too" He said with a wave of his hand. "Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go find my fiancé." With that, he disappeared down a hallway and left the band to set up.

A few minutes later, Percy was hunched over his guitar, tuning and strumming it, when Beckendorf returned. He didn't see Beckendorf arrive, but presumed he did, because Nico suddenly stopped working on the amps next to him.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my fiancé" Beckendorf said. Percy stood and whirled around, coming face to face with a beautiful woman. She had long black hair, pure blue eyes, and a face to put any model to shame. Percy could see why Nico was speechless.

"Percy Jackson. Nice to meet you." He said, extending his hand.

"Silena Beuragard" she said with a smile, shaking his hand. "Who are your friends?"

"I'm Jason and that's Nico" Jason said, while Nico just waved shyly.

"I'm glad you guys could come tonight. I'll admit, I was a little nervous when Charlie told me he had hired a garage band, but I think you'll be worth it"

"Thank you Ma'am" Jason said.

"Please. Call me Silena." She replied. It looked like she was going to continue, but then a look of shock covered her face. "Charlie," she said, almost scoldingly, "Did you finish setting up the kitchen?"

"Er...No" he answered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh my god!" she cried. "People will be here soon! Come on!" With that, she dragged a reluctant Beckendorf down a hallway that probably led to the kitchen.

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