Chapter 3

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As Samantha was boasting about her new power, what they didn't know was that Jenny was a sorcerer as well and found a way to become not a statue.

   "Keep celebrating now, but she's not any more  special than me." Winston nearly choked on her drink.

    "I thought I finished you!"

   "Awe such a pity you didn't choke on that drink! Oh well. One day I will get you back for costing me my relationship!" Before Winston could attack her, Jenny disappeared into thin air. Winston sighed.

     "Glad she's gone-" Winston was cut off by a crash upstairs followed by a scream and the smell of smoke. Winston's instinct kicked in and she darted upstairs with Vaati and Masky both following her.

   "Help!" She knew that voice. Jack. He's calling for help and the smell of smoke made her run faster. As soon as she made it to Jacks's bedroom door, there was a note on it.

    If you want Jack so much, whore, go to the roof of the mansion. Let's see how you like my ex being sacrificed.

Winston growled and her eyes turned a darker red. The color of blood.

    "You're going to die..." Winston growled. Vaati and Masky arrived soon before Winston went to the roof.

    "Child, what is going on?" The voice of her uncle Slender, managed to calm her temper just a little.

     "We've been betrayed. I'm going to save Jack from another sacrifice." Those words made Masky freeze.

    "Again?! Why is she doing this?"

    "You're looking at the answer dad."

    "What do you mean?"

   "Why are you dumb? I am the reason why!" Winston growled then teleported to the rooftop, teleporting Vaati and Masky with her. She noticed Jeff and BEN trying to stop Jenny already.

   "...Whatever Winston did, does not result in sacrificing him!" Jeff pointed his knife at her.

    "She did it to herself, Jeff. She caused her relationship to end and now she's being a bitch about it." Winston glared. Everyone took a step back from Winston as the wind had picked up around her when she arrived. She smirked.

     "Oh dear Jenny, why can't you accept the consequences for your actions?"

   "Shut up. One more step and he goes over the edge!" Jenny threatened. Winston gulped. Jack was her weakness and if he was to die she would break. Winston stared at Jenny.

    "You wouldn't even dare," Winston spoke above a whisper. Jenny hit her weak spot and Jenny knew she did.

    "Winston, don't listen. She's controlling you through fear." Vaati spoke.

    " would you know?"

    "Because, a enemy of mine did it to me with your mother..." Winston stared at Vaati for a moment until she heard a scream. She looked just as Jenny shoved Jack over the edge.

   Everything froze. Time stopped. Her breath hitched and her eyes widened. What could she do? Without thinking, Winston ran to the edge, ignoring the pleas of the others not to, and jumped off after Jack.

   Before Jack could hit the ground, and surprising Winston, she felt something keeping her hovered over the ground. She felt a flapping behind her. She realized, that she had developed large beautiful black wings. Before both could hit the ground, Winston snatched Jack and held him close to her.

    "Winston?" Jack asked 'looking' up at her.

   "Shh!" She spoke as she focused her mind on flying back up to the roof. As she did so, she shocked everyone.

    "Whelp. She has more of me than her mother in her." Vaati spoke, while in shock. Winston smirked down at Jenny who was giving her a death glare. Winston landed next to Vaati, standing in front of Jack.

    "You have to try a little harder to defeat me, sweetheart." Winston spoke, with amusement coating her voice. Her smirk widened as she formed a large ball of fire in her hand.

   "Say hello to satan for me." And with those words, Winston sent the ball towards Jenny, knocking her over the edge of the rooftop.

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