Chapter 6

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After Winston was stitched up and got a bullet out of her ear, she managed to avoid Masky for days. Instead, she decided to train with her best friend, BEN.

"One more time. Try to dodge this time!" BEN said, conjuring up a ball of flame in his hands. Winston held her hands out when she heard a voice behind her talking with her dad.

"So this is your daughter?" Winston whirled around to see a man with red hair, tan skin and gerudo clothing like the people in BEN's favorite game. She was mesmorised by how good looking and tall this man was that she didn't realize that BEN had threw the fireball at her making her fly back and hit the wall.

"Pay attention next time!" BEN yelled.

"I'm going to kill you!" She grumbled, picking herself up off the ground and extinguishing the fire around her.

"What did I say about using water?" Her father spoke.

"Oh what am I supposed to do, walk through fire?" I said storming off. I felt like I was being followed. I looked behind me and noticed the man that I just saw walking behind me along with my dad. I heard stuff breaking in the living room.

"...Toby! BENS going to kill you when he finds the portal broke!" She heard Jeff shout. She sighed. She walked into the living room to see the issue when she saw blood on the floor.

"Toby you didn't break this did you?" Winston knew something else was behind the portal breaking, Toby didn't possess any powers.

"Well well, we finally gotten the 'royal bitch' to show herself." Jenny replied standing next to the broken glass.

"...there goes your way home..." Her father told his friend.

"Oh what do you want Jenny?" Winston said crossing her arms.

"EJ back." She spoke coldly.

"You don't deserve him. It could be a thousand years and you would never deserve him!" Winston spoke making the atmosphere tense up and everyone step away. Winston narrowed her eyes.

"The only time someone would want you is if they were sexually deprived and desperate enough!" She spoke this time her voice went darker than normal. Vaati went to take a step forward but stopped himself. He was a bit concerned with how his daughter was acting and the dark aura surrounding her. Jenny growled.

"And the only time someone would want you is if you cast a spell on them. Because your too ugly to win someone over naturally." Jenny instantly regretted those words as she was then thrown across the room. There in the middle of the room was no longer a sweet woman who looked like her dad's twin but there stood a wolf who was purple with red eyes and a red design on her side resembling two swords crossed. She snarled and got into a attack position.

"You were warned Jenny. You didn't heed my warning and now you will be my chew toy!" She moved forward and venom dripped from her fangs around Jenny making the floor rot underneath her. Jenny coward underneath her.

"How much of a disgrace does one have to be to stand up against me? And how pathetic you must be to think he would even want you back. It's called ex for a reason. Never to be together again!" Winston growled lowly making the Mansion shake. Vaati tried to gain his balance but fell as well as the others who were watching in shock.

"Now Jenny, let's try to be civil once more! Fix the portal so the man over there can go back to his home and I won't shred you to pieces! How does that sound?" Winston interrogated Jenny. But Jenny was quicker, she teleported to the other side of the room in front of if Vaati's friend.

"Never in a million years would I ever help you out!" As she was about to talk Winston charged her, but seeing that she didn't know how to control her transformation just yet Jenny teleported making Winston morph back into human form and successfully tackle the man himself knocking both of them over.

"Uh....sorry..." She said as her face went red and she stood up.

Stop it your with EJ!!!! Winston scolded herself for the thoughts she was starting to get. She shook her head and whirled around. Winston summoned a trident and threw it at Jenny successfully piercing her arm to the wall. Winston slowly walked towards her, interrogating Jenny.

"Tell. Me. How. To. Open it! NOW!!!" Winston was fed up with her and grabbed her by her hair and yanked her head forward them slammed her head against the wall.


"What is the meaning of this?" Slenderman spoke entering the living room.

"She destroyed a portal so now she won't tell me how to fix it so I can get the man over there back to his home!" Winston growled.

"Jenny, tell us or I will incinerate you into ashes." Slenderman spoke too calmly for Winston's likings making her back away. Jenny smirked and teleported away.

"God damn it! She got away! Blast that stupid ignorant fool!!!!" Winston growled.

"Wow I love your attitude! You would make a good warrior!" The man spoke seemingly impressed and amused at what had happened.

"Who are you anyways?" Winston spoke.

"Ganondorf Dragmire. King of Gerudo." As soon as he said king, Winston instantly kneeled down.

"No need for that. Stand up." Ganondorf chuckled. She stood up and fixed herself. Now all she needed to do was figure out how to open the portal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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