Chapter 5

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After being told she was going to visit her father's world, everyone started to go back down to their rooms when BEN shouted at Winston.

"Hey, Mage girl, show me some tricks!" Winston smirked.

"What kind of tricks, drowned boy?" She shouted back making the others turn around. You knew she was happy when she had a mischievous look in her eyes and a genuine smile.

"Show me something while flying!"

"Alright." Winston gathered some composure. She still didn't know exactly how to work her wings.

"Wouldn't it be funny if you fell and couldn't figure out how to fly in time!" Ghirahim chuckled.

"Wouldn't it be hilarious to trip you over the edge when you don't even have wings?" Winston shot back with a sinister chuckle. Once she figured out how to control her wings, Winston took off and jumped over the edge letting herself fall until she was close to the ground then let her wings take over, stopping her from falling to her death.

"Woo-hoo!" She shouted with a hint of excitement coating her voice. Since there was a lake under her now she twisted herself and dived under then shot back up in the air from the viewpoint of everyone. But the best part was, she created a water tornado which shocked everyone. Winston then smirked mischievously and stared at her dad and her smirk widened.

"Whatever you have planned in that little mind of yours, better change right now." Her dad spoke. Winston only laughed at the hint of fear in his voice.

"And if I don't?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Then your grounded!" He shouted. Fear clear in his voice. Winstons smirk only widened and she let the water out of her control making it cover everyone, mostly Vaati. Once she was finished, she landed next to her dad.

"So. What am I grounded from?"

"Your power to control water." Vaati glared.

"Awe come on!" Winston whined. She sulked and walked back to her room but before she could, BEN tackled her to the ground.

"BEN, I will bring you back to life only to drown you again if you don't get your soaking wet self off me!" She yelled. BEN laughed.

"This is what you get for getting me wet!" Winston only glared and BEN got off. She looked down at herself.

"Now I'm all wet."

"What goes around comes around!" Vaati laughed as he walked past her.

"Shut up!" She then created a gust of wind making his trip.

"I suppose this is what I get for having a daughter with my attitude." Vaati sighed.

"Yes, it is." Zelda and Winston spoke, helping her dad off the ground.

"Oh lighten up!" Winston laughed. Vaati put his arm over her shoulder and gave her a small squeeze.

"Fine." Vaati sighed. Winston snickered and when she walked forward, she managed to run straight into Jack.

"Shit, sorry!" She squealed. Jack only chuckled.

"It's alright. Say, you look pretty," Jack spoke earning a blush from Winston. This also sparked the attention of Masky and Vaati. Masky put his hand on his gun.

"What are you doing?" Vaati whispered.

"Preparing to shoot incase he pulls a stunt with her." Masky replied. Vaati rolled his eyes and crossed his arms and turned his attention back to his daughter only to glare at Jack.

Winston was stunned when Jack decided to kiss her. At first, she froze but then kissed back. They stayed like that until they geard a gunshot and Wisnton yelp. Winston yanked herself away and noticed Vaati with his arm crossed and Masky with his gun in his hand.

"What the hell?" Jack said turning around.

"Who said you could touch her that way?" Masky growled. Winston sneared.

"So let me get this straight, I'm not allowed to grow up and have a boyfriend. " She glared. If she was anything like Vaati, it was best not to push her. Winston's eyes narrowed.

"You may have raised me, but there is a time where I'm not going to be little dad!" She shoved Masky back a little.

"Next time you shoot, try not to shoot so close to my ear!" She snarled as she felt blood trickle down the side of her face. Her other ear lowered a little.

"Come on, lets go fix your ear." Jack slung his arm over Winstons shoulder and walked into the mansion to fix her up.

"Good going, now shes hurt!" Vaati spat.

"Oh like I meant to shoot her ear." He growled stomping inside.

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