Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The Morpher

            You opened your eyes and there was Elathan standing next to you and then he lets go of your arm. You take a step back glaring at him for a bit and then you looked around and stand there shocked. There was a waterfall right behind you, and you seemed to be in the middle of a forest.

            “How… did…” you started and then looked at Elathan. He was smirking rather darkly in an evil slight distorted way. He leaned up against the nearest tree, looking at you with those blue clonie eyes.

            “My powers.” He said grinning at bit. You look at him sternly your eyes narrowed, you just had a bad feeling about him. He then moves away from the tree his eyes on you. “Which is obvious that you have none, I wonder why that is.” He said grinning darkly.

            “I don’t care if I don’t have powers or not.” You say bitterly and he then made a noise with his tongue shaking his head.

            “Darling, you need to learn how to protect yourself. You’re just a burden to your friends and it’s amazing that you’re even alive at all.” He says and he looks at you his eyes studding you.

            You clench your teeth glaring at him angrily. “Don’t remind me, I already know that.” You muttered looking down at your feet. “I wish I knew how to fight.” You muttered wishing you didn’t feel so fucking weak. Elathan looked at you and shook his head; he touched your elbow making you look at him.

            “I’ll train you with any weapon. But this training might kill you.” He said looking at you sternly. You looked at him shaking a bit, deciding if you should actually do something so rational. He looks at you sternly with such a hellish look in his eyes, was he tricking you or was he really going to help you?

            “Alright.” You say softly, your voice choking out of your throat. Elathan grinned at you and nodded holding his hand out.

            “Are you ready for the first test?” he asked, you stare at his hand shaking a bit more. You nod silently taking his hand and suddenly your whole sight went black, you let out a silent scream not able to feel anything around you but the darkness. Where did Elathan go? You think at first not even wondering what he did or what he was going to do.

            “E-Elathan?” you ask shaking so badly, not knowing what to do. There was a soft cold breeze behind you that made you want to scream it was like death prickling down your neck. You were all alone in this dark nightmare. Suddenly things started to shift in your vision of the darkness around you, whatever you were standing on the ground imposingly, started to grumble. Suddenly underneath your feet a crevice opened up and you fall to the side, crawling backwards away from it.

            A pair of skeleton claws ripped itself up out of the gap of darkness, its head sticking out a skull of a deer with eyeless sockets staring right at you. It was a demon from hell, its flaming body made up out of bones of a skeleton of a cat; it was large as an elephant and had the rage of a boar. You wanted to scream but nothing came from your mouth, though your lungs felt on fire. You step backwards; shaking as the creature came forth, swaying its tail back and forth.

            “First you have to face your fears.” Elathan’s voice said, echoing around though he was nowhere to be seen. You look around quickly and suddenly the creature slammed its tail against your face and you rickshaw backwards into the dark ground. Black blood ran down your face, numbness eating your dignity away.

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