Chapter 1

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Milena Gillies turned another corner to reach the public library and return the last book she borrowed. It was due the next day but she already finished the story and she was itching to get a new classic to get a hold of.

It was in the middle of April, and to say that she was hot is a clear understatement. She was burning from the sun and the giant sun hat on her head wasn't helping her a bit. To take her mind off the heat, she started thinking of what story she might borrow next.

Maybe a Moby Dick? She wasn't sure about that, she was looking for more romance today since she just finished a mystery thriller book.

The sound of her footsteps was soft on the pavement followed by the loud flapping of the pigeons who were preparing to take flight as she pass them by. The small cracks randomly present on the pavement makes the grass able to grow.

Once she passed the bus stop with the common poster advertising the make up brand she never really used nor knew, she was able to make out the white paint of the small building on the other side of the road sandwiched between two large buildings.

She waited along with the other pedestrians for the stop light to flicker yellow and then walk again straight to the library's glass doors. She was able to read the open sign from the other side of the door and the familiar schedule of the library's open and close time.

She pulled the door open with slight difficulty, the air conditioner hitting her pale skin and making her sigh in satisfaction.

Once in, she quickly made her way to the woman who looks to be in her mid-thirties on the counter. She was a curvaceous woman in a ruffled forest green dress reaching just below her knees, her brown hair up in a tight ponytail with her bangs just barely reaching her giant correctional eyeglasses which was colored in cyan, her pink painted plump lips in a kind smile, like a mother to her child, reaching her bright brown eyes which twinkled at the sight of her.

"Tilly!" Milena greeted as she laid down the black bound book on the counter.

Living in the busy streets of Brooklyn for two years, almost three, Milena had became a regular for the local library a few crossings from her house. And being a regular, that means she had had the honor of meeting the lovely Matilda Brown.

Matilda has been the librarian even before Milena moved to the neighborhood almost three years ago. She had always been perky and energetic when she welcomes everyone who enters the doors to the library, keen on making them as comfortable as a library could get.

"Lena!" Matilda smiled, already used to the girl's frequent visit. "Finished already?" She laughed as the younger woman nodded enthusiastically with a large grin.

Matilda always loved the book addict lady in front of her. Her green eyes always twinkling with joy at the thought of venturing a new story even in a hot day like today. Her shoulder length wavy raven hair pulled back in a half messy bun which matches the rugged outfit she was wearing. The beige sunhat on her hand, the one she took off when she entered the building, clashed with the dark theme she was currently parading though. It was almost comical, almost.

"I'm here to return this, thank you!" Milena smiled at the older woman and gestured at the black book on the counter.

"So any new genre you want?" Matilda smiled as she took the book from the counter, typed some things on the ancient computer on the side, probably to input that the book has been returned, and then placed the book on the trolley at the back against the wall which was halfway stocked with returned books already. "We have some new donations of books down by the science aisle and history aisle, then there's a new novel down by the romance section, you'll know what it is when you see it... umm, what more? Ohh! The horror section have this new book that tackles about a child who sees things through a mirror! I'd recommend that for you!"

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