Return Of The Hero

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This is a collaborated work between @_Triple_Homicide_ and @darkarchangel2                                                           

The man in the black cloak seemed to be gliding over the River Styx.

A hood covered his head, and a white porcelain mask with a black snake curling on the side of the mask covered his face. From the holes of the mask, midnight black eyes glanced around, as if waiting for an attack. Pale white fingers were sticking out of the cloak.

When he got onto the shore, he looked around. The Underworld looked exactly like he remembered. The cloaked figure moved forward. Suddenly, he tensed, then stopped altogether.

"Come out, hags." His voice resounded through the mask. "I do not appreciate it when I am spied upon." His voice was rich and deep, and gushed out like a flowing river.

Three old women with bat wings and talons emerged out of the shadows. They each held a torch and long whips, which were dotted with small flames and broken glass. Alecto, Tisiphone and Mageara swooped above him.

"Who are you?!" Alecto's parched voice came to him.

"I believe that is my concern and not yours." He growled from underneath his mask.

"What is your agenda." She snarled. "What business do you have with Lord Hades?"

"And who told you my business was with Older Death Breath?" He said with a bored tone.

"If you refuse tell us." The fury screeched, "Then you are an intruder! You shall pay for your insolence with your life!"

Alecto reared back and lashed out with her whip. A pale hand shot out from under the cloak, and the whip wrapped around it. The man showed no signs of pain, but instead tugged with very little of his strength. Alecto had to let go to avoid being pulled towards him along with her signature whip, which he tossed into the darkness.

"Out of my way, She-demons," He snarled. "I have no time for your antics."

The furies shrieked, and swooped down on him. Exactly like he wanted. The man stood still as they flew towards him from all sides. As soon as they were within reach, with the grace of a panther, he maneuvered his way out of the reach of their talons, and disappeared through the darkness altogether.

When the furies looked up for him again, he was fifty-feet away. Mageara swooped towards him. As soon as she got within distance, he sidestepped, spinning in his cloak, and the demon slammed into some boulders behind him, dissolving to dust on contact with the jagged rocks. The man's hand shot out from under his cloak, and two throwing knives embedded themselves into Tisiphone's chest, making her explode into black ashes. The man seemed to be one with the darkness. He radiated a power which was so old the furies couldn't fight it.

The masked man turned, his eyes showing with malice as he glided over to the last she-demon. He raised a single hand, and the darkness swirled into a cocoon around her. The fury began to struggle, shrieking and demanding to be released. The man stepped two inches away from her.

"W-who are you?" The fury stuttered.

He ignored her question. "See, Mrs. Dodds," He whispered. "I'm here to carry out a prison break, and I can't have you ruining my plans. It's time for you to die. Now, honey."

Her eyes widened when his black orbs flashed a pale sea green, before turning back.

"N-N-No!' She snarled. "You died!"

He cocked his head to the side. "Did I? Well, you won't be alive much longer to find out."

He flicked his wrist, and turned slowly.

The masked man glided to the gates of Hades, with the shrieks and wails of agony of the fury Alecto in the background, as the darkness constricted her body, and squashed her bones.

Line Break

As he glided across the terrain, the man's mind drifted over to the conversation he had had with his mother before he had come to the underworld.

FlashBack of Sorts...

"So what you're saying, is that the council want me to kill Hades' main enforcers, breach the underworld, and rescue her?" He asked.

"Yes, the other came from the council," She said. "We will need someone to guide you, if we are to take down the Olympians."

"But...are you sure I can do this alone?" He asked.

His mother nodded, "You are by far the most powerful demigod to walk the earth, son. You are Khaos's successor. And you are the Assassin Of Darkness. How could you not do i alone?"

The man raised his head, and just caught his mother smirking. She was cool, for a primordial. 

"Look, son," She gave him a knowing smile. "Do not doubt yourself. The council of the protogenoi would not have chosen you if we were not sure of your capabilities."

He caught his mother's gaze, "I won't fail you, Nyx."

She nodded, "I know you won't."

Flashback end

The masked figure passed through the fields of punishment, using the darkness to stretch out his sense. Finally, he heard her.

"Leave me alone, you fucking asshole!"

Under his mask, he smiled, appreciating her choice of...colorful words. 

He was surprised she was like this. When he had know her, she hadn't been cussing like a sailor all the time.  He glided over the glass on the earth, following the voice. He heard a cry of agony, and hurried his pace.

Finally, he burst into a clearing. She was tied to a long piece of wood, and she was gritting her teeth, trying to withstand the pain of the blue flames liking her skin, and the whip being lashed across her body.

The cloaked man snarled in anger. The king of Olympus was going to pay for this. He snapped two fingers. The darkness in the room converged around the flames, and extinguished it. The god of eternal punishment hovering above her spun, clutching his whip, his face a sheet of pure rage. He had oily black hair, blood red eyes, and a face that looked like it had been chiseled from rock.

"Who dares-"

The man cut him off, "I do, Orcus. Release her."


The cloaked man seemed to shrug, and he flicked his wrist. The darkness raced to Orcus, and flung him out of the Air, and to the other side of the fields of Punishment.

The masked man turned to the girl, his hand going to his face. He threw off his hood, and black tousled hair fell out. He unlatched his mask slowly.

As the porcelain left his face, his eyes shifted color.

The girl's volcanic black eyes met glowing orbs of sea green.

A/N: Fini. What do you think? 

Word Count: 1145

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