10 - First Date

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Taehyung calls Namjoon as soon as he disconnects the call with Jungkook.

"Hello, Joonie hyung, can we reschedule the meeting with Yoongi hyung tomorrow?"

"I'll give him a call and see but I'm pretty sure we can postpone it. Can I know why?"

"It's uhhh.. it's something personal."

"Like what exactly?"

"Uhmmm.... Please don't ask anything hyung."

"Ok ok. Whatever you say Tae. Just give me a warning before I have to see paparazzi photos of this mystery boyfriend"


"Alright. Good night."

"Good night."

Taehyung was bit worried after the talk with Namjoon. He's normally recognised everywhere so it's fairly difficult to go out.

He doesn't know what Jungkook has planned. Not that he doesn't trust the younger, he's just not sure whether Jungkook completely understands the situation. He'll just have to see tomorrow.

Taehyung gets up early in the morning and the first thing he sees is a text message from Jungkook.

"Good morning baby. Since we can't go outside for our date, let's have one using the phone. I want you to have your breakfast and be ready by 9.00 for my call."

Taehyung felt his heart soar reading the text. He was worried for no reason. Jungkook will never put him in a difficult position.

He checks the the time and see it's about 7.30. Plenty of time to get ready.
After breakfast, Taehyung wears a comfy yet very fashionable white shirt and a black cotton pant.

He might be staying at home but that doesn't mean he won't look absolutely fabulous for his first date.

Exactly at 9.00, his phone rings for a video call. He answers and Jungkook, who seem like sitting on a park bench fills his screen.

"Hi baby."

"Hi Kookie, are you at a park?"

"Yep. You have a garden at your home right. I saw it once in TV. Go there."

"Ok. Wait a second."

Taehyung quickly gets up from his bed and walks over to his garden. He finds a good spot away from the sun and sits there.

"Ok. I'm set."

"So how was your morning? And I have to say you look absolutely stunning baby."

"Thanks. That's what I was going for. Well I had breakfast alone today because I don't know where my brother went. But he had prepared breakfast for me before going."

"I had breakfast from a cafe near my place. I usually cook for my self but today I just didn't want to bother."

"You can cook?"

"Yeah. I can manage. I've been living alone for about 2 years now so I had to learn."

"I'm lucky I have Jin. He's a great cook."


"You know, m-maybe you can come here. Jin isn't here and if he cames back, we can just stay in my room."

"No Tae, we can't stay stuffed in a room for hours. It'll be suffocating. And also..."


"I might not be able to hold back if two of us stayed alone in a locked up room. And it'll be way too fast. I mean you don't bring your boyfriend to your room on the very first day right. Let's just take our time and do things the proper way, ok baby?"

Did You Call Me Love? - Taekook Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now