17 - I'll Be Waiting

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Taehyung has been restless for weeks now. His new album was released and the week leading up to that plus the two weeks after that had been hectic.

He wasn't able to call Jungkook regularly and even when he called, it was only for few minutes.

Jungkook knows how busy Taehyung had been so he's not upset or mad about it. He sends encouraging messages for the elder to read whenever he's down and exhausted with work.

They haven't been able to meet at all because Taehyung is always surrounded by people. Most of the time he's not even sleeping in his room but in the studio or at a hotel.

And after the incident with Yoongi, Jungkook is bit afraid to meet unless he's sure they are alone because he doesn't want to jeopardise Taehyung's career.

But after two weeks of the album release, Taehyung's busy schedule is finally over. He has few more promotional events in the coming week but there are breaks inbetween.

After today's morning interview, he's free for the day and he has plans to be with his boyfriend.

Taehyung comes home after the interview and decides to text Jungkook. A very specific type of texts.


Jungkook was actually having a quick snack with Jimin when he got the message. One look at it and he was choking on his food.

Jimin was startled but then managed to pat Jungkook's back and gave him water.

"You all right man?" Jimin asked as he continued to pat the younger's back.

"Yeah hyung, I-I'm fine. Just a bite went down the wrong pipe." Jungkook replied, still coughing a bit.

He casually took his phone again and sends a reply.

"Woah this is a nice suprise"

"I want you daddy."

"But daddy's at work baby. Daddy has a meeting in 10 minutes"

"But daddy I can't wait."

"Do you want daddy to come for a quickie then?"

"No I don't want a quickie. I want to cum a lot of times."

"Then you have to wait baby. Just a little. Daddy will come after work."

"Ok, I'll wait. Btw daddy my hand is being very naughty."

"What do you mean?"

"It's touching me daddy. Down there."

"No touching baby. Tell your hand not to touch."

"It's not listening daddy. Look it's pulling my zipper down. Oh it went inside my pant daddy."

"Stop touching yourself. Only I can touch you babyboy."

"It's stroking me daddy. I'm getting wet."

"Oh your hand is going to get punished when I get there baby."

"Sorry daddy. I'll let you know when I'm done."

Jungkook was actually getting hard just by these texts. He puts his phone down and tries to calm his mind and body. He won't get to hear the end of it if his co-workers saw him with a boner.

But calming himself seems to be impossible as his mind keeps on wondering to what Taehyung is doing right now.

After what felt like an eternity, Jungkook's phone buzzes with another message.

"Opps. Guess I need to change the sheets. See you tonight daddy. And wear your office clothes when you come"

Jungkook was not able to concentrate throughout the meeting. But luckily no one noticed that. He worked fast and was able to finish his work in time.

Jungkook could have gone straight from office but he actually had somethings to buy. He was not sure whether Taehyung already have them but he didn't want take the risk.

He could call and ask Taehyung but then it would ruin the suprise. Anyway it won't be bad to have extra.

Once Jungkook got to the shop he wanted, he looked around amazed. There are so many options. He didn't know what to choose.

"Hello. Can I help you sir?" A boy, very much younger than him, came to greet him.

"Uhh.. yes please. I'm can't decide what to buy."

"No worries sir. Happens all the time. I take it this is your first time? So does your partner have some experience with this or are you two experimenting?

"Uhhh... he said he like this stuff but no experience."

"Ok. If I may offer a suggestion, you should first try with something basic and safe. That way, if incase either of you didn't like this experience, it will not make a huge impact. And if you like it, then you can move on to, well, harder stuff."

"Sure. That's perfect."

"Right this way sir. So what I recommend is this basic bondage package. Wrist Handcuffs, Ankle Cuffs, Collar and Leash, and ofcourse Blindfold. You also get a Ball Gag, a Paddle, Bondage Rope, a whip and bed restraints but you might want to use those after you assess the situation."

Jungkook looked at all the items shown to him. Although he's not that familiar with this stuff, what the sales boy says makes sense. He knows what goes where anyway.

"Ok. Can you get me the most comfortable set? Like a really soft one. A one that won't leave any marks."

"Sure sir. How about this one. We have few colours."

The boy shows Jungkook a set pretty much like the previous one but everything is padded. Outside layer has buckles and chains but inside is really comfortable.

"Do you have the colour blue?"

"Yes sir. We do."

"Ok, I'll take it."

Jungkook pays for it and leaves the shop. That went well, Jungkook thinks as he calls Taehyung.

"Hi baby, are you alone? Can I come?"
Jungkook asks as Tae picks up the phone almost immediately.

"Yeah daddy, you can come now." Tae says flirty voice.

"Ok. Just give me a minute to find a place ok baby."

"Ok daddy, bye."

"Bye baby. See you soon."

Jungkook cut the line and walked to find a secluded place. Once he find one, he immediately teleported. Initially it took him few minutes to gather the necessary energy to teleport but now he can do it within seconds.

One second he was standing at an empty corner on the road. The next second he was standing in Taehyung's bedroom, where his ethereal looking angel was sitting on the bed, waiting for him.

"Welcome daddy, I was waiting for you."

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