28 - Party.

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Jungkook was shocked. He kissed Taehyung back purely out of instinct and habit as his mind seems to have stopped working.

"Oh my God!! Tae what are you doing here?" Jungkook asked as they pulled out from the kiss. He was holding Taehyung by his waist while Taehyung had his hands on Jungkook's shoulders.

"Well, aren't you glad I came?" Taehyung asked teasingly.

"Ofcause I am baby, I just can't believe you are here. Wait!! Don't you have an interview today?"

"It's all taken care of. I got it postponed to day after tomorrow."

Taehyung got out of Jungkook's hold and walked over to give a hug to Jimin.

"Hey Mini, enjoying the party? Sorry I got Yoongi hyung late too." Taehyung looked apologetic.

"Shoosh.. no worries Tae. But I have to say, you two sure know how to make an entrance" Jimin replied teasingly while Yoongi chuckled.

Jungkook also reached to give Yoongi a hug. Taehyung then turned to Mark, who was looking at all this with an open mouth.

"Baby!" Taehyung hooked his hands around Jungkook's arm and turned him towards Mark too. "Aren't you gonna introduce your friend to me?"

Jungkook looked at Mark with an amused face.

"Baby, this is Mr Mark, my boss. Mr Mark, this is Kim Taehyung, or rather V, my boyfriend."

Taehyung extended his hand for Mark to shake. "I hear you have been asking about me."

"W-what?" Mark was clearly uncomfortable.

Taehyung leaned over to him and whispered in to his ear. "If I hear you try to mess with him one more time, I'll make it the last thing you do in your miserable life. Stay the hell away from him."

Taehyung leaned back and gave one of his sweetest smiles to Mark before dragging Jungkook to a table.

"What did you say to him?" Jungkook asked as they sat down.

"Oh nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Ok. But Tae, are you sure this is ok? I mean you didn't have to do this for me."

"Yes I'm sure. Didn't we both decided that it's time?"

Namjoon has already prepared an article about V's boyfriend with the help of Jungkook and Taehyung. Jungkook said it's ok with him to release it and they were just waiting for the right opportunity.

"Yes we did. Did the article got released then?"

"Yeah. I got Joonie hyung to release it just before I came in. We wanted the agency's formal article to come out before all the personal social media updates but not to early so that you'll be bombarded with questions before I  arrive here." Taehyung explained.

Their talk was disrupted as a group of people came to their table. Mark and Mark's boss were there and the rest was basically all the big shots of the company and they all introduced themselves to Taehyung.

"Mr V, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm sorry we weren't made aware that you'll be here today or we would have arranged a better welcome." The company's CEO said with a handshake.

"Oh don't worry about it. I just wanted to suprise my boyfriend." Taehyung replied with looking at Jungkook endearingly.

"Oh yes, Jungkook, I don't think we've met before. Mark here says you are an excellent worker." The CEO shook Jungkook's hand too. Others also followed suit.

"Hello Mr Lee, nice to meet you too." Jungkook replied with a polite bow.

After a few more plesentaries, they all went back and Taehyung looked at Jungkook apologetically.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't realise that would happen." Taehyung looked worried.

"Hey, don't worry about it. It's fine." Jungkook assured him with a smile.

"Yeah, this might be for the good. Atleast Mark can't do anything with Kookie's evaluation now. I was bit afraid of what he might to." Jimin chipped in.

They all were silent for few seconds before Jungkook abruptly stood up.

"Let me get you guys something to drink." Jungkook went with Yoongi and got them drinks and snacks. They were having a good time chatting and eating.

Jungkook noticed that Taehyung was not behaving as freely as he normally would, and was keeping himself gracefully poised.

He looked around and saw that many people have their phones out and was taking photos and there wasn't anything he could do to stop them.

Jungkook knew that even though he can publicly acknowledge Taehyung as his boyfriend now, Taehyung still has an image and a reputation to keep up.

It doesn't bother him but he felt sad for Taehyung as the elder will never be able to enjoy the small things of life which any other couple takes for granted. That's the downside of having the entire world being interested in your life.

Jungkook just wanted to make Taehyung happy in every way he can. He can't believe he could love someone so much.

As the night follows by, Jungkook felt Taehyung getting kind of restless. But there wasn't much they could do with half the people there looking their way.

Jimin and Yoongi seems to be enjoying themselves very much as people didn't pay them much attention. Yoongi's name is somewhat known to the general public but his face is not that famous outside the music industry. They were currently in the dancefloor, with their bodies pressed together.

Taehyung was looking at them with a smile but also with a longing. He has never regretted the way his life turned out until he met Jungkook. He still doesn't regret but he feels bad for Jungkook as the younger now will also has to go through the scrutiny of the world.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Jungkook's voice brought Taehyung out of his deep thoughts.

"Nothing. Much. Do you ever want us to be like them Kookie? You know, enjoy the life as a normal couple?" Taehyung asked as he pointed yoonmin couple at the dance floor.

"Sometimes I do Tae. Not for me, but for you. I would like you to be able to enjoy life without worrying about the rest of the world but I know that's hardly possible. I'm very happy that I get to know the real Kim Taehyung who is far more wonderful than the idol V. You are an truly amazing person Kim Taehyung and I'm honoured to have you in my life." Jungkook says with so much emotions in his eyes that Taehyung feels like crying from happiness.

"Thank you. I'm honoured to have you  in my life too Kookie." Taehyung whispers as he tries to hold his tears. It won't do well to get photographed crying here.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Jungkook asks as he holds Taehyung's hand in his hands.

"Yes please."

They both get up from the seat and walked towards the exit where Taehyung's two bodyguards are waiting. He goes to their vehicle to retrieve his mask and cap and also changes his white coat to a black overcoat.

Jungkook brings his car around and Taehyung gets in to it. His bodyguards are supposed to follow them to make sure no one else is following them and go to a hotel nearby for the night.

Jungkook is sure that he'll be able to protect Taehyung but he wants the guards to be close by, just in case.

They go to Jungkook's house and Taehyung looks around in content. Yes it's not a big mansion but it has a cosy vibe.

Suddenly Taehyung feels Jungkook's body pressed on to him from behind. A hand goes to his head to remove the cap and then the mask. Jungkook also removes Taehyung's overcoat before turning the elder towards to him.

Jungkook raises his hand to unbutton Taehyung shirt with a fire in his eyes and an excitement runs through Taehyung's body as he realises that the night is not yet over.

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