32 - Things Have Changed.

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After Jin calmed down considerably, Jungkook went back as it was still office hours. No one questioned his absence as Jimin had handled the work without a hitch.

Taehyung made him promise to come back later that evening. Jungkook already knew that Taehyung is somewhat possessive and it seems like Rose's declaration has triggered that side and the elder wanted to claim his boyfriend. Or rather, be claimed by him.

Namjoon came to Taehyung's home in the evening and they had a discussion about the increased security. One good thing about Rose's visit is that it confirmed that she is no longer interested in Namjoon and thereby, Jin.

The only person that needs the protection is Taehyung and it could be done without any suspicion as it's normal for an idol to have bodyguards.

All three of them were in the living room but Taehyung seems to be getting edgier by the second. He was distracted and looked nervous. Finaly Jin called on it.

"Tae bear, are you ok? You seem distracted."

"Huh...?? oh yeah.. I'm fine." Taehyung replied.

"You don't seem fine. What's the matter? Are you worried about Rose?" Namjoon asked with concern.

"Uhhh.. no.. it's just that.. umm.. i-it's-"

"Hey talk to us. What's wrong Tae..?" Jin sat near Taehyung and held his hand.

Taehyung's face changed to a dark shade of pink and he mumbled something but Jin wasn't able to hear it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear that baby." Jin said again and Taehyung gave a loud sigh before speaking.

"Jungkook said he will come today."


"N-nothing.." with that Taehyung quickly got up from his chair and went to his room.

"Oh!" Jin finally caught up and he blushed a little too. He looked at Namjoon but as usual, Namjoon was clueless.

"Uhmm.. Joonie, how about you take me out for dinner today?"

"Huh? Yeah, sure. But I was hoping to talk with Jungkook. And what's wrong with Tae?"

"Oh Joonie.. you may have an IQ of a genius but sometimes, you are so dumb." Jin said with a sigh.

"What?? What did I do?" Namjoon looked suprised.

"Nothing sweety. Just let me get dressed and then we can go out. And maybe, we should stay at your place today." With that, Jin got up and went to his room, leaving a very confused Namjoon alone in the living room.

After a little while, Tae heard someone knocking on his door and he opened it to find his brother standing in front oh it.

"Uhh... me and Joonie are going out for dinner and I'm staying at his place today."


"I made some snacks for you and Kookie and it's on the table. Heat it before you eat ok? Bye then."

Jin turned and walked few steps when Taehyung called him.

"Hyung.... y-you didn't have to do this." Taehyung was blushing madly.

"Good night Tae.. have fun.." Jin gave a soft laugh before leaving the younger alone.

Taehyung smiled to himself and went inside his room to wait for his boyfriend. He didn't have to wait long to see the familiar blue light to appear .

"Hey baby!" Jungkook said hugging his boyfriend.

"Hi Kookie. Did you get in trouble for disappearing today?"

"Nope. Jimin hyung covered for me. Wait I'll go and say hi to Jin hyung and come." Jungkook tried to walk towards the door but Taehyung stopped him.

"H-hyung is not h-home." Taehyung said while blushing slightly.

"Oh!" Jungkook looked at the elder with a smirk as he understood the situation.

Jungkook took a step back and loosened his tie seductively. Then he tugged his shirt out of his pants and unbuttoned it completely. Jungkook pulled Tae in to a hungry and rough kiss and the elder immediately responded with tangling his hands in younger's hair.

Jungkook made Taehyung slowly walk backwards without breaking the kiss and roughly pushed him on to the bed. Taehyung felt his body jolts as he hit the soft mattress but composed himself and crawled backwards to the middle of the bed.

Jungkook reached over and straddled Taehyung, caging the elder's hips between his thighs before capturing the his lips again. He ran his tongue over Taehyung's lower lip and the elder immediately opened his mouth and let Jungkook's tongue enter his wet coven.

Jungkook tasted every inch of the elder's mouth, making him moan in pleasure. While their tongues danced with each other sensually, Jungkook's hand travelled lower and lower on Taehyung's body and finally stopped on his clothed member.

He palmed Taehyung's cock through his soft pants, giving it a not so gentle pressure and Taehyung started to whither a little under the younger. Jungkook stopped his assault on Taehyung's mouth and leaned back to sit straight.

"Remove you tshirt." Jungkook said in a commanding tone while still palming Taehyung's member and Taehyung complied immediately.

Jungkook attached his lips to Taehyung's neck and started to bite and suck his sensitive area, decorating his neck with purple bruises.

Taehyung's moans intensified when Jungkook's hand pulled the cord of  his pant and slid inside. He heard Jungkook's suprised gasp against his neck as the younger realised that he's not wearing anything else underneath.

"Naughty boy." Jungkook whispered in to Taehyung's ear before resuming his assault of Taehyung's neck, going down to his collarbone and then further to his chest. He roughly took one of Taehyung's nipple buds and pulled it with his teeth, making the elder whimper a little.

All the while his hand was softly stroking Taehyung's cock and he started to feel a little wetness, indicating that Taehyung was leaking precum.

He gave a little chuckle as he pulled away his hand and got up from the bed and Taehyung whined in displeasure.

"You have to wait baby. And behave." Jungkook growled. "Daddy's gonna take care of you real good today. We have a long night ahead of us, babyboy."

Taehyung watched as Jungkook walked over to the drawer that have all the toys and pulled out few. The blindfold, the paddle, the bed restraints and the handcuffs. Suddenly he started to sweat and  found it hard to breathe.

Jungkook was looking at the bedside drawer as he got the lube out from there once he returned to the bed and didn't actually see Taehyung's expression change. He still didn't realise as he gently grabbed one of Taehyung's hands and tried to fasten the cuff on it.

"P-peaches" Taehyung's voice was barely a whisper.

"What baby?" Jungkook finally looked at Taehyung, only to see the elder's face showed pure terror. Jungkook's hand froze and he looked at Taehyung   with concerned eyes.

"P-peaches! P-peaches!! Let me go!! LET ME GO!!!."

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