21 - Thank You For Saving Me

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Jungkook came to Taehyung's house early in the morning. Today's the day they are going to Daegu to meet Taehyung's parents.

Jungkook was having fun earlier but as they get closer to Tae's parents home, he fell silent. Taehyung sort of guessed what goes on in Jungkook's mind so he didn't disturb him.

Jungkook still remembers how Taehyung's father tried to save him, even with the spreading fire. He was desperately holding on to the door handle even when things got too heated.

Jungkook had always hoped to meet the man atleast one more time in his life so that he can properly thank him.

Jin had noticed Jungkook's mood change and looked at Taehyung questioningly. When Taehyung shook his head in a reassuring way, Jin didn't press it further but kept glancing at Jungkook.

Jin has gotten quite fond of Jungkook in the short time he has known the younger. Jungkook was always respectful, caring, and there is a certain trustworthiness in him that Jin admire. Not to mention his cute and funny side that people can't resist.

He doesn't want Jungkook to worry as their parents are very open and outgoing. No one has disliked the Kim family.

Once they reach their destination, they all got out of the vehicle and Jin put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"You seem worried about something Kookie. Is everything ok?"

"Yes Jin hyung, e-everything is ok." Jungkook's muffled voice conveyed anything but being ok.

"Don't worry about mom and dad. There're cool. You'll be fine." Jin says with a smile.

Jungkook just nod his head, not trusting his words enough to speak. Taehyung takes the younger's hand in his hand and gives it a little kiss.

Together they all walk towards the front door and in to the house.

"Mom!!! Dad!! Where are you?" Jin screams as he walks in to the living room.

"Jinnie!!!" A middle aged woman with a warm smile comes from inside the house and hugs Jin.

Then she hugs Taehyung and Namjoon before turning towards Jungkook.

"Hello, you must be Jungkook. I've heard a great deal about you." She gives the warmest smile to Jungkook.

"Yes. Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you, Mrs Kim." Jungkook says while politely bowing down.

"Oh no need to be so formal, call me mom." Mrs Kim says as her younger son holds on to her like a koala bear.

"Hello boys, did you have a good trip?" A middle aged man comes in to the living room and both Jin and Taehyung rushes to hug him.

"Keeping well Namjoon?" Once his children let go of him, Mr Kim comes and give a hug to Namjoon.

"Yes sir. Everything's good." Namjoon replies respectfully.

"And this must be Jungkook, how are you son? Nice to meet you." Mr Kim extends his hand for the younger to shake but Jungkook seems like he's frozen.

He looks at the large burn mark on Mr Kim's hand and feels like his chest is going to explode. It's on Mr Kim's palm, spreading through his wrist.

Mr Kim notices his gaze and looks at his own hand.

"Ah.. just an old burn mark, sorry is it making you uncomfortable?" Mr Kim asks as he withdrew the hand.

Jungkook fells the tears gathering in is eye and when he looked up to Mr Kim's face, they spill over to his cheeks.

Jungkook was thankful when he met Taehyung also but there were other feelings involved too so it wasn't this hard. But with Mr Kim, Jungkook is emotionally overwhelmed that he can't seems to be able to stop his tears.

They look at each other for few seconds before Jungkook slowly walked towards the man and softly wrap him in a hug.

"T-thank you. Thank you." Jungkook whispers as he softly cry in to the elder man's shoulder.

Everyone except Taehyung looks at this scene with utter shock. After few seconds, Mrs Kim runs a hand up and down Jungkook's back in an attempt to calm him down while Mr Kim holds the boy tentatively.

"What's the matter son?" Mr Kim asks tenderly but Jungkook keeps on crying softly.

They all look at Taehyung with suprise at his lack of reaction and he nod his head assuaringly.

Mr Kim looks back and forth at the crying boy in his arms and his son and something seems to click in his mind.

"Oh my god, Tae bear, i-is he the one?" Mr Kim gasps in sudden realisation and looks at his son expectantly.

Taehyung gives a nod as a soft sob escapes him too. "Yeah dad. It's him."

"Oh god, my poor child... oh god... thank you god so much for letting us meet again. Oh you poor child.." Mr Kim tightened his hold on Jungkook and hugs him for a while before pushing him back "let me look at you properly.."

He held the crying boy at an arms length and wiped his tears.

"Oh you have grown in to a fine young man." Mr Kim pulled him on to the sofa and looked at his son. "How the hell did you find him Tae!!"

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and sat down next to his boyfriend. "He found me."

Jungkook who seems to have finally calmed down replied too. "We found each other sir."

"Uhhh... would someone like explain what the hell is happening here?" Jin asked loudly, reminding that there are other present too.

"Sorry Jinnie. Honey he's the boy with the accident." Mr Kim said and both his wife and Jin raised a hand to cover their mouth in suprise. Even Namjoon knows about that.

"I tried so hard to find you Jungkook. I didn't tell Tae or Jin but I actually found your home in Busan but you were not there anymore. What happened?" Mr Kim said getting a suprised look from his sons.

"After my parents funeral, my uncle sold the house and took me to America. He was the only relative I had and he was working in America at that time. We returned to Korea only about 5 years ago. My uncle tried to find you too but couldn't since you didn't come to the hospital with me and I didn't even had your name." Jungkook explained.

"So that's how you two met. No wonder Tae's head over heels for you. You left quite an impact that night. Tae was in a right fix after that. He used have nightmares about burning cars and would wake up screaming." Jin said teasingly in an attempt to lighten up the mood.

"I never forget you Mr Kim. I would have been dead if not for you two. Thank you. I don't know what I can do to repay you." Jungkook said emotionally and Taehyung sneaked a hand around the younger's waist protectively.

"You can repay it by loving me and making me happy for the rest of your life baby." Taehyung said with giving a soft peck to Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook put his hand over Taehyung's hand which was around his waist and turned to look at his boyfriend, giving him the softest smile.

"Ok. Deal."

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