22 - Abducted.

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Weekend with the Kim family was lot of fun. Once Jungkook calmed down and was back to his old fun self, they all had a lovely time.

Mr Kim had a light conversation with Jungkook regarding what happened to him after the accident and how he met Tae.

Jungkook told him pretty much everything except for how he and Taehyung met. He made it sound like they met as a fan and idol. Luckily Mr Kim didn't ask for much details.

After that, Jungkook met with Taehyung's friends many times. He was always able to come whenever Taehyung asked him to, even with a very short notice and Taehyung's friends kind of accepted it now.

They knew that there was something mysterious about the younger but they also knew that Taehyung was aware of whatever it is. If Taehyung trusts him, then that's good enough for others.

Taehyung was home one day resting when he got a call from Namjoon.

"Hello Joonie hyung, what's up?"

"Hey Tae bear, is Jin still home?"

"Nope. He left about 2 hours ago. I thought he was meeting you."

"He was supposed to. But he's late. That's why I called. It should take only about half an hour for him to come." Namjoon sounded worried.

"What about his phone?" Taehyung asked, getting up from the bed.

"It's switched off. Jin never turns his phone off. I'm bit worried."

"I know hyung. Should we call police or something?"

"I'm coming there. Let's talk first. We shouldn't do anything hasty."

"Ok hyung. I'll try his phone too."

"Ok Tae."

Taehyung was panicking a lot. His brother never switch his phone off. Something is definitely wrong.

Namjoon comes in about 20 minutes and Taehyung is full on panic mode by then. They were trying to figure out what to do next when Namjoon get a call from Jin.

"oh my god, where the hell you were Jinnie? We were so worried. Why did-"

Namjoon's words were cut by a laughter from the other end.

"Slow down Mr Namjoon. Let the other person speak too." A man's voice could be heard once the laughter died out.

"Who are you? Where's Jin?" Namjoon asks roughly.

"You don't need to know who I am. If you want to see your boyfriend again, follow our instructions."

"What do you want? Money? I'll give you anything you want."

"We'll tell you what we want in a little while. Don't call the police if you want to see your boyfriend alive."

"Please wai-"

The call was disconnected and Namjoon looked at the frightened man in front of him.

"Jin has been kidnapped. They said they'll call in a little while to tell us their demands." Namjoon whispers as he runs a hand over his head.

Taehyung feels like fainting and he pulls himself on to the chair.

"Oh my god, Jin hyung!!" Taehyung lets out a small sob as he covers his face with his hands.

Namjoon stays still for few minutes before calling Yoongi. He quickly explains the situation to him. Yoongi has some connections and is much more capable of handling these kind of situations. Yoongi tells him to wait and that he'll be there in 1/2 an hour.

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