27 - My Famous Boyfriend.

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It's been about 3 months after the Jin's kidnapping incident. Jungkook was discharged from the hospital 2 days after he gained consciousness. The doctors didn't want to but they ran out of tests to do and frankly, they couldn't find anything wrong with Jungkook.

Jin was in the hospital about 2 weeks till his body was somewhat healed. His parents came and stay with him for about a month and they all got together many times. Jungkook always drove because he wanted everything to be as normal as possible.

Jungkook's company was having its annual dinner party and everyone was bringing their significant others and families. Mark who seemed like given up on Jungkook, picked up his interest again when Jungkook didn't put any plus ones under his name.

Jungkook didn't even ask from Taehyung whether he wanted to come because he thought this stupid office dinner as not worth enough to bother him. Taehyung was relatively busy and Jungkook didn't like to make him uncomfortable by asking.

Mark however, thought things other way. One day he was having a small discussion near Jungkook's table and turned to him once it's over.

"So Jungkook, I heard that you are coming to the dinner party alone." Mark asked in a pretend indifference.

"Yes Mr Mark. Is there any problem?" Jungkook asked politely.

"No. Not at all. I just thought that we might get to see this famous boyfriend of yours." Mark replied sacarsticly as he had no idea.

Jimin couldn't stop the laughter that came out but managed to make it look like a caugh. If only Mark knew how famous Jungkook's boyfriend really is.

"Uhhh... no. He's kind of busy and I don't want to bother him."

"Really Jungkook, you don't need to try so hard. I mean we all will be there. We can keep you....uhh... company." Mark said last part quietly.

"That won't be necessary Mr Mark. I'll be fine alone." Jungkook was getting little annoyed.

"We'll see. Let me know if you change your mind. Your boyfriend doesn't need to know, if you have one that is."

Mark gave a wink and went to his room, leaving Jungkook fuming.

Jimin who has been listening in to the conversation, pushed in his chair near to Jungkook.

"Did Tae said he can't come Kookie?"

"Not exactly. I didn't ask him."

"Why? He might be able to come."

"Nah.. this stupid party is not worth bothering him hyung. If I ask, he will feel like he have to come. I don't want to put him in a spot."

"But Mark-"

"Who cares about that bas**** hyung. I'm fine with it. Really."

"Ok. If you say so."

Jimin thought about letting it go as the party is not a big deal anyway. But he has already asked Yoongi to come so he was feeling uneasy about not telling Tae. Specially when that bas**** is trying to make a move on Jungkook.

Taehyung may be like a innocent baby at times but Jimin knew that he's quite possessive. If he got to know what's happening in office, it'll definitely make him angry.

And although Jungkook says he's ok, Jimin knows that he's angry and upset. Mark will definitely ruin his mood in the party. He decides to call Taehyung and explain the situation.

Jimin calls and Taehyung answers after few rings.

"Hey Mini!!"

"Hi Tae, can I talk to you?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"Uhhhh... I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say this but here goes."

Jimin explained about the party, how Jungkook didn't want to bother Tae and finally about Mark said.

"Hmmm... thank you for telling me this Min. Is it possible for you to add me as Jungkook's plus one without him knowing?"

"Yeah I guess. We only need to give a number for organising purpose. I mean I can even add you under my name. Making it plus 2 with Yoongi."

"That's perfect. Let that bi*** think my Kookie will be alone."

"Ha ha ha. I hope you won't kill him Tae. That might put a damp on the party."

"Oh well, I guess I really shouldn't right? Thank Mini. I owe you one."

Jimin couldn't help grinning the entire day, thinking about the drama that is about to unfold at the dinner party.


Dinner party was going well as every one was dancing, mingling and having fun. Jungkook was with Jimin as Yoongi has said that he'll be a bit late.

Suddenly he heard an annoyingly familiar voice calling him.

"Hi Jungkook."

Mark was walking towards him with a smirk.

"Hello Mr Mark." Jungkook replied curtly.

"So enjoying the party?"

"Yeah. It's good."

"Wanna come and dance?" Mark asked in a flirtatious voice.

"No I think I'll pass." Jungkook said bit annoyed. He was bit surprised as to why Jimin is just standing there with a amused smile.

"Oh come on Jungkookie... you gotta let loose once in a while. Enjoy the life, baby" Mark took a step closer to Jungkook trying to intimidate the other but Jungkook held his ground.

"Mark.." Jungkook dropped the honorific as he glared at the man. "I thought I made myself clear the other day. I'll put it plainly for you once again. I'm not interested in you. I have a boyfriend, a fu**ing amazing one."

Mark was shocked. He clearly didn't think Jungkook would speak to him like that. But he quickly fixed his facial expression.

"Oh yeah.. so where is this amazing boyfriend? Too shy to show his face? Do you actually even have one?" Mark spat angrily.

Mark and Jungkook was so engaged in their conversation that neither of them saw the two late comers that entered the hall or noticed the silence that followed.

Everyone seems to he holding their breath while looking at the ethereal  beauty that was walking across the hall. They were shocked to see the famous idol V, the hearthrob of the nation, in their company dinner party.

In a pure white suit, Taehyung was radiating a aura of perfection that looked like something out of reality. He looked like an angel, walking on earth.

Taehyung looked around as he entered the hall and immediately spotted Jimin, who was waiving his hands. Next to him was his boyfriend, who looked like having an argument with another man.

He walked towards them in a leasury pace, giving everyone enough time to see him and notice him, so that everyone will witness when he claim his boyfriend.

Jungkook was just about to answer Mark when someone touched his shoulder and he turned around to see the beautiful face of his boyfriend.

Taehyung looked at Mark for few seconds before bringing his eyes back to his boyfriend's shocked face. He
slowly raised his hand to cup Jungkook's cheek.

"Hey baby, sorry I'm late."

With that, Taehyung pulled Jungkook's face towards him and captured his lips in a kiss.

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