--Nour's P.O.V.--
••••Time skip (2 days)••••••
"Harry stop!!" he wouldn't stop tickling me.
We were on the couch watching T.V. and he changed to Yo Gabba Gabba. I told him he's a baby and now my punishment is being tickled.
"Nahhh, I don't think I will." he continued to tickle my ribs.
I was kicking and thrashing and laughing and screaming.
"That's what she said"
That just made me laugh harder.
"I-I'm not re-responsible for your inj-uriesss" I said between laughs.
My shirt rided up a little bit and Harry tickled my bare stomach.
Gemma walked in her living room and noticed Harry hovering on top of me and tickling me to death.
"Uhmm guys?" she said, making Harry stop and look up.
I took this opportunity and slid out from underneath him and jumped on him before he noticed anything.
"Hahahahaha, you comftorable?" he asked.
I was sitting on his waist, my legs on either side.
I nodded and Gemma broke our fun time again.
"Guys?" she asked.
We looked at her, "Yes?"
"What do you wanna eat?"
I shrugged and Harry placed his hands on my waist.
"Have you ever tried Nandos?" he asked.
"Nandos it is!" Gemma screamed.
I laughed and she told me and Harry to get dressed. I took a look down at Harry, who I was sitting on and whispered in his ear, "I will punish you later."
"Can't wait"
I got off of him and ran to get out of my sweat pants to put some clothes on. England was a lot colder then what I am used to, I have to dress warm even though we're in August.
I slipped on some skinny jeans and a red tank top. I put a white, long sleeve loose crop top over it and put on the red TOMS Harry picked out for me. I adjusted my curly mane because Harry obviously messed it up.
I grabbed my bag and walked to the living room.
"You ready?" Harry asked.
"Don't I look ready?"
"Screw you"
"You would"
"Can't argue there"
He laughed and pulled me closer to him, "I was just kidding love, you look excellent."
I blushed and looked down, "Thank you" I whispered.
He laughed again as Gemma came out of her room.
"Let's go" She said, grabbing her car keys.
Gemma drove us to Nandos which smelt really good.
"Uhhh what's good?" I asked.
"Everything" they said together.
I nodded and we went up to order.

Just friends?...yeah right...
FanfictionHarry Styles love story. Drama though....but still sweet!(: