--Harry's P.O.V.--
This is so going to ruin our friendship. She doesn't have the same feelings but I wish she did. Nothing can happen between us because I go back to X-factor later. Why does this have to happen? Why does she have to be so funny, nice, lovable, beautiful and not even know it? Why can't she be mine?
Because she's not in love with you that's why. She only likes you as a friend.
It took a lot to stop myself from kissing her right then. Her lips are so soft and irresistible.
We both stepped away from each other and she smiled at me. That beautiful smile just makes my day complete.
"That was fun" she said smiling.
"It really was, I miss this." I said, looking down. I heard her feet come closer to me and she was standing in front me. I kept my head down. I can't believe in two weeks we won't be with eachother.
She put her index finger underneath my chin and pushed it up so I was eye level with her.
"Don't be upset. I miss this too and we will get to hang out again sooner or later. Just live in the moment." She said sympathetically.
"I know and you're right, I just...."
"Harry, please don't get my tears going."
She was serious. I looked straight into her eyes and saw her tear up. Me leaving was just as hard on her just like it is on me. Maybe even worse. At least I have the boys....she doesn't have any of us because my stupid self had to drag her down to Holmes Chapel without letting her think about it. Why am I so selfish?
"I'm sorry" I said.
She nodded and pulled me in for a big hug. She wrapped her arms around my torso and squeezed and I did the same to her body. This just felf so right.
--Nour's P.O.V.--
Hugging Harry was a wonderful feeling. I feel safe, wanted and loved. He makes me forget my past and want to know what I have in my future.
I pulled away and took him to the kitchen. It was about time for me to make dinner so I started taking things out for me to make roast. I heard Harry's bum land on the counter. I turned around from the stove to see him sitting on the counter looking at the floor with his thinking face on. It was so adorable. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his lips were open and puckered out a little bit. His eyes were landed on this one spot on the floor. His curls were extra messy for some odd reason. I strutted over to Harry and brushed his curl out of his face. My hand landed on his cheek. He seemed to notice me because she shifted his gaze from the floor to me. My hand resting on his cheek, I stuck my tounge out at him. He did a little giggle and scooted over so I could join him. What was he thinking so hard about?
"Harry?" I asked, sitting close to him. There wasn't much room so our shoulders had to overlap a little. Again, at his touch I get those feelings in my stomach.
"Yeah?" he asked, moving his head to look at me.
"Are you okay? You seem a little.....distant."
He shook his head and looked back down.
I pulled his chin back up to look at me.
"I understand if it's personal, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm not going to force you. I DO want you to know that no matter what, I'm here for you. I'll give advice or just listen if you want. I'm here." I said.
His eyes softened and the edges of his lips tugged upwards.
"Thank you Nour, I couldn't have asked for a better friend."
"I feel the same" I said, smiling.
He pulled me in for a hug. More feelings erupted in me. He let go and hopped off the counter.
I went to the oven and slipped the roast in. I felt Harry's existence still in the room. I turned around and I was right. There he was standing in the doorway watching me. I blushed and went back to work.
We ate and sat in the living room. Gemma left to Ryan's house so Harry and I were just hanging out on the couch.
"Let's play a game." he said.
"What's up with you and games?"
"Hush and play a game with me."
"Fine" I huffed.
"Truth or Dare?"
"Truth.." I said, hesitantly.
"Do you like living here?" he asked kind of worried.
"Honestly, I love it! Its so pretty and fun! Yes I do miss my family back home but I wish I could stay here!" I said excited.
His eyes seemed to light up which made me proud because I made him happy. I like being the cause of that. His mouth formed into a smile.
"I'm so happy you said that!" he said, relieved.
I smiled because he really cared how I felt. "Truth or dare?"
"Have you found a girl you really liked on X-factor?"
I don't know why I asked that. I just feel like I need to know.
"No, they arn't as special as this one girl I really like." he said.
That hurt...bad. He likes somebody? Who? Is she really that special to him?
"Yeah" he cleared his throat, "let's just play 20 questions."
I smiled remembering we played that the day of the show.
I nodded my head.
"Okay, so do you like anybody right now?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
Do I like anybody? I can't really think of anybody that makes me get butterflies whenever I'm around them. I looked up to see him looking at me thinking but he had a serious yet beautiful expression. Seeing him brightens my day. He's perfect in every way. He is the one who brought me butterflies. He's the reason I smile everyday. I realized I'm in love with Harry Styles.
I noticed I hadn't answered his question yet but what would I say? I love him with all my heart but I can't tell him. He doesn't feel the same way. He likes another girl.
"Uhmm, well...I have my eyes on this one in particular."
He nodded his head slowly and his eyes were darker. He was probably just tired. Its been a long day.
"Harry? Are you tired? Do you need anything?" I asked.
"No no. I'm fine. I'm just tired and need some rest like you said. . I'll see you tomorrow." he said getting up.
"Okay Harry, good night." I said, waving. He turned around and saw me still sitting on the couch. He smiled and came back over. He beant down and kissed my forehead and his lips lingered longer. Electricity shot through my body at his touch. He backed away only far enough to where our lips were almost touching.
"Good night" he whispered, "Sleep well"
I was in a trance. Those beautiful green eyes and adorable smile. His perfect dimples and messy curls. They all get to me.
"Whatever you say, Mr. Styles." I mumbled. His eyes flickered to my lips then back to my eyes. He let out a little laugh between his beautiful smile.
"That's what I like to hear." he mumbled. I couldn't control myself. We couldn't be this close to each other or else I would surely kiss him and that would mess our friendship up. I stood up and as did he, I kissed his nose and went to my room. I closed the door and leaned on it. I threw my head back and slid down the door. Why am I now feeling like this over Harry? Why not before? I don't know but all I know is that I am truely in love with Harry.

Just friends?...yeah right...
FanficHarry Styles love story. Drama though....but still sweet!(: