--Nour's P.O.V.--
"That was an amazing dinner Anne, thank you!" I said as we walked out the door.
"Thank you for coming!" she waved as Harry, Gemma and I got into the car.
We waved one last time at a smiling Robin and Anne standing in their doorway. Gemma began driving away when I spoke up.
"That was the best chicken I've ever tasted." I said, holding my tummy.
"I know! Mum always made the best!" he said.
We got home and got out of the car. I had an amazing time at dinner. I learned so much and realized Harry didn't change much. He matured a little and got bigger but other than that he was still the fun loving Harry I knew.
I went inside and sat down on the couch.
"You wanna watch a movie?" Harry asked.
"Sure, you pick." I said.
Gemma was headed for her room.
"Your not gonna watch?" I asked her.
"Nahh, I'm gonna wake up early to hang out with Ryan." she said, smiling.
I smiled, they were such a cute couple. I met him a couple times but on the very few tines I met him, I knew he was a good guy.
"Use protection!" I yelled as she closed her door. I heard her muffled laugh and turned my attention to Harry who was putting the movie in. He was beant over so I got a perfect view of his bum. It was quite fit. He stood striaght and stretched which made his shirt ride up and show his abbs. They were perfectly sculpted and fit perfectly with his height.
His movement broke me out of my gaze. I looked down and waited for him to sit next to me on the couch. I felt him sit down and look at me. I met his eye contact and he smiled a genuine smile.
--Harry's P.O.V.--
I sat down beside Nour and noticed she was looking down. I looked at her and watched her as she slowly lifted her head to meet my eyes. She was so gorgeous. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. We skipped through all the movie previews and started watching The Notebook. I love this movie, it was so sweet. I might sound mushy right now but its true.
Half way through the movie I got tired and glanced down at Nour. I noticed her eyelids getting droopy and she yawned. Before you know it she was passed out with her head on my lap. I carefully picked her up and took her to her room. I gently placed her down on her bed and took off her shoes. This reminds me of when I did it to Jaiden. I tucked her in so she was all warm and I heard a slight, low whisper come from her. It sounded like "Thank you" but I couldn't make it through all the way.
I smiled and kissed her forehead once again and left the room. It's good to be back.
I went to my own room and took my clothes off. I slipped into my bed and thought about the days events. Nour was so amazing, even better than I remembered.
I woke up the next morning with the light shining through my window. I planned for today to unpack my clothes and give Nour her birthday present since I missed her birthday.
I got up and noticed this smell. It smelt amazing and made my mouth water.
I didn't even bother putting anything on before I go downstairs. I made my way to the kitchen and saw Nour flipping pancakes, cooking some eggs and bacon and hashbrowns. She had some music playing so her hips were swaying to the beat. She had pajama shorts on and a loose tanktop. Her hair was clipped up with some loose curly strands hanging down. She looked incredible.

Just friends?...yeah right...
FanficHarry Styles love story. Drama though....but still sweet!(: