--Harry's P.O.V.--
I had so much fun last night with Nour's family.
I was getting ready for dance now. I slipped on some black sweats and a white t-shirt.
I walked down the stairs and checked the time. It was 12:45, I should get going. I grabbed an apple and called for my mom to hurry up. She came down the stairs, all ready to go to work.
She grabbed her keys and we walked out the door to her car.
As she was driving she broke the comftorable silence.
"Here in America, you get your license when you're 16."
"Mhmm. I was thinking of letting you getting one."
I huge smile grew on my face and apparently she noticed because she giggled.
"You should! I really need to drive. Oh, but if I get my license I'm going to need a car! I want a Range Rover! This is so exciting!" I stammered like a 13 year old girl.
"Calm down, I said I was THINKING about it." she said.
"Please, please, please, please, PLEASEEE!" I begged.
"Okay, fine. I'll pick you up at 3:00 and we'll go see if we can get your license. You drove with your step dad a lot in Cheshire so you have the experience." she said.
"Okay, love you" I said as she pulled up to Nour's house.
"Love you too."
Nour was walking towards the car in an orange shirt that was open on the sides that showed the sides of a black sports bra. She was wearing black sweat pants with her hair naturally down and she was smiling.
"Hello lovely," my mom said, as Nour climbed in the back seat.
"Hello!" she chirped, leaning foward to play with my curls.
"Thanks for picking me up" she said, smiling at us.
"No problem, we should make this our new routine." my mom said.
Nour giggled and continued to play with my hair.
"I wonder what dances we're learning.." I said, turning around to face her.
"I'm not sure but whatever it is, I wonder when the next show is going to be..." Nour said, msssing up my hair even more.
My mum pulled up to the building and we both got out.
"Thank you, I love you!!" Nour and I said at the same time.
Mum chuckled and said she loved us too and drove off.
"I have a surprise today" I said, wiggling my eyebrows and looking down at her.
She through her head back and laughed.
"Really?" she said, between laughs.
"Yep" I said popping the p.
"Care to tell me what it is?"
"Nahh, you'll have to wait and see."
She huffed, "You suck"
"That's not what you said last night." I teased.
"true, true"
We laughed and walked in, a chorus of "Hey Nour, hey Harry" were said.
Emily was in a corner talking to someone and Nour and I began to stretch together when that same blonde kid that addressed me, came and talked to me again.

Just friends?...yeah right...
FanfictionHarry Styles love story. Drama though....but still sweet!(: