--Nour's P.O.V.--
"Rise and shine, Harry."
I shook Harry's shoulders, turning him over on his back.
"Harry Styles, get up. Good Morning America, remember?" I'm already freaking out enough as it is."
"Be yourself." He mumbled, turning back over.
This is not the way to get my boyfriend up.
I turned him over so he was laying on his back, his eyes still sealed. I sat on his hips.
I traced my fingers up and down his v-line.
He just shivered. Still nothing.
I started kissing and sucking down his toned body and grinde ing my hips on his boxers.
Soon, his hands found his way to my hips and he started pushing me harder on him. Not that I'm not enjoying this- believe me, I am- but we've got work to do.
I stopped kissing and grinding and looked at him. He was looking at me with a smirk.
"You're so fucking smart."
I smiled. "Thanks." I crawled off of him and looked at him again. He had a boner- a big one.
"I can't belive you would wake me up hard on purpose."
"Sorry, I've just got to go wake up Louis and the boys."
He turned his head to the side, facing me. "I love you."
I chuckled and leaned into kiss him quick. " I love you too, so just to prove it..."
That's when I scooped him up bridal style and walked him to the bathtup, the turned on the cold water full blast.
His eyes popped open. "I'M UP, I'M UP!" He screeched, launching himself out of the water.
I stifled a giggle. "Sorry, babe. But we're really going t be late. So shower up and get dressed. We can swing breakfast on the way." I gave him my sweetest smile and he rolled his eyes and submission.
"I'm going to have to do more that just shower, thanks to you." I looked at what he was pointing at. His crotch.
I blushed. "Sorry Haz! If it makes you feel better, it heated me up too."
His face changed from being annoyed and tired to pride and smug.
"Oh really?"
"Shut up!" I leaned over to kiss him again. His hands grabbed my waist before I could pull away, holding me close. I grinned against his lips.
"Although your methods of distracting me are very good, I've grown immune to them, it appears." I teased, moving his hands.
"Methods?" He pretended to look shocked. "Me?! Can't I kiss my girlfriend whithout beign accused?"
I winked. "Not when I just confessed I am horny and we both know you are." I pointed down at his hips.
He pouted, leaning in for another kiss. "I'll meet you in Louis's room."
"Kay. Love you."
"Love you more."
"Ready?" Harry asked, hands on my shoulders. I met his eyes, full of concern.
"As I'll ever be." He pulld me into a hug, whispering words of encouragement into my ear.

Just friends?...yeah right...
FanfictionHarry Styles love story. Drama though....but still sweet!(: