Chapter 2

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I woke up in the morning and I called the clinic and made an appointment to have an abortion this afternoon. I put on some leggings and a Sweatshirt. I looked in the mirror and noticed that I had a black eye where the ball hit me. I groaned and tried and failed to cover it up. I went outside and saw that Ash wasn't there to drive me to school.

I called her and she sent me straight to voicemail. I groaned knowing she was mad about my choice to have an abortion and I felt tears of frustration come to my eyes. I started to walk to school and by the time I got there, I was ten minutes late to first period.

Once I entered the room everybody stared at me and started to whisper. I took my seat in the back of the room and wished I was still invisible. As the bell rang signaling second period I thanked god I had a free period and rushed out of the classroom.

All throughout the halls, I was getting stares. I made my way to my locker as the bell rang and I was happy everyone had cleared out. As I closed my locker I felt myself being pulled to a janitor closet. I turned around to see who had pulled me and saw Liam.

Liam looked hot as usual but he also had bags under his eyes and he reeked of cigarettes. I felt my face turn red as I noticed how close we were.

"Is it true?" He asked me and I adjusted my bag on my shoulder, it feeling heavier than it did minutes prior.

"Is what true?" I said hoping he didn't actually know anything.

"Don't play stupid Lilly" he said and I felt my face heat up

"Are you pregnant?" He said looking at my stomach then my face. My hands instantly went to my stomach trying to protect it from his prying eyes.

"Yes," I finally replied quietly, my head looking down waiting for his next move.

"Fuck" He screamed as he started to throw stuff around in the closet. I flinched but stayed as still as possible until he calmed down. I know that he had gotten into fights before but I have never actually seen Liam angry before. This was a completely different person than the man I worked with during the summer. Finally, he stopped throwing stuff but kept on pacing.

"I should have known better than to sleep with a girl as innocent as you, haven't you ever heard of birth control?" he said ranting.

"Haven't you ever heard of condoms?" I said getting irritated that he was trying to put all the blame on me.

"Of course I always use a condom," he said, giving me a glare.

"Clearly not" I muttered under my breath.

"How could I have been so stupid!" he said throwing something against the wall.

"I always wear a condom. I just wasn't expecting you to actually sleep with me that night" he said finally running his hands through his hair.

"I am sorry," I said, tears rushing down my face, I didn't realize how scared I was about all of this. Liam looked at my eye and lightly touched it causing me to flinch.

"Were you not going to tell me?" Liam said, looking hurt.

"I am getting an abortion tonight," I blurted out, Liam flinched like he had been hit.

"Why? You don't want to have the fucked up foster kids baby? What are you afraid he will turn out like me? Or worse, afraid I will turn into my father?" He said looking at me with so much pain and hatred in his eyes. His glare had me wishing I was ten feet under.

"This has nothing to do with you. I am 16 years old. I can't have a baby," I said he looked at me and stormed out of the closet causing me to sob on the floor. I finally picked myself off the ground and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. I looked at my stomach and saw that a small bump was starting to form. I felt nauseous thinking about what I was about to do. I made it through the entire day, making sure to hide in the Library during lunch, and I finally met up with Bri who was skipping gym class to drive me to the abortion clinic.

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