Chapter 4

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When I woke up I for once didn't feel nauseous. I smiled and looked at my tiny bump. It was a school day so I hopped in the shower and got changed into my last pair of jeggings that still fit, and a flowy shirt. I looked at the weather and saw that it was 40 degrees so I put on a jacket as well.

I went downstairs and saw my mom, she looked exhausted but she smiled at me as she handed me a disgusting looking smoothie and a pill.

"Good morning," she said. I took the pill and smoothie and sighed longing for pancakes.

"Do I have to drink this?" I asked looking at the greenish brown smoothie.

"Yes. If you want your baby to be healthy" she said. I took a sip of the smoothie putting the pill in my mouth as well and I tried not to gag at the taste of the smoothie.

"I can't drink this," I said, putting it down. She pushed it back into my hands and gave me a look.

"I made you a lunch with all of the necessary nutrients. If you need anything at all call Dr.Jaxon and he will find me while I am at work. Also you need to start job hunting. Babies are expensive so you will need to start saving now," she said and I groaned at the thought of that, but understood it was necessary.

"Okay Ma I will start looking, I love you," I said kissing her cheek and heading out to where Ash was waiting for me.

"Hey girl!" She said giving me a hug and I hugged her back and got into the passenger side.

"I have to find a job," I said groaning.

"Welcome to the real world baby mama," she said.

"Do you want a smoothie?" I asked handing her my cup, she took a sip.

"This is so good! Why don't you want it?" she asked me and I looked at her.

"The smell of pineapples right now is nauseating to me," I said and she drank it all happily and we made our way into the school. Everyone whispered as I walked by and I tried to ignore it. I put my textbooks into my locker and I tried to ignore the hunger pains in my stomach craving pancakes still.

I was switching out the books in my bag and putting away my lunch when I heard Emily, one of the popular girls who switched guys every week, and was notorious for hooking up with Liam.

"Hey Lilly thought you might need these," she said, holding up a row of condoms while hanging off of Ryan. I tried to ignore her and I closed my locker.

"Oh wait I guess it is too late for that seeing that you are pregnant," she said loudly laughing at me.

"Leave me alone Emily," I said and I tried to push past her, and she pushed me back towards the lockers.

"I am curious who would sleep with the likes of you? They must have been desperate, or maybe you just made it all up," she said pretending to think.

"Guess you won't find out until said baby comes or doesn't come," I said trying to push back this time Ryan pushed me hard against the locker and I winced as I felt my back instantly get sore.

"Leave her alone, what you have to pick on a defenseless girl?" Dax ran over. He was Liam's best friend and he was also on the football team. Dax had short dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He was very quiet and was extremely smart.

"How cute! I guess that solves the mystery on who the father is. I didn't think you were even into girls Dax," Emily said giving him an evil smirk.

"I am just not into whores like you," he said and her smirk left her face. Ryan got pissed and punched Dax in the face. Dax punched him back and they started a whole on fight. I tried to move out of the way as they slammed into the lockers next to me and I fell to the ground. Liam had just arrived at the scene and he helped me up.

"What the hell is going on?" he said, making sure I was okay.

"Ryan and Emily were bothering me and Dax stood up for me and Ryan didn't like that," I explained. Liam told me to stay put and he ripped them away from each other. They both started to scream what happened both being friends of Liams.

"This asshole pushed Lilly into the lockers," Dax said pointing his finger at Ryan.

"I understand he knocked her up but she is a loser who cares what happens to her," Ryan said and Liam punched Ryan in the face.

"Everybody listen up. I am the father of Lilly's child and if you so much as look at her the wrong way I will be after you," Liam said and the crowd of people who were watching the fight left quickly without looking in my direction.

"You slept with her? You told me this summer you weren't hooking up with anyone that is why I moved onto Ryan!" Emily screamed at Liam.

"As much fun as sharing you with the entire football team is, I don't want to hook up with you ever again," he said before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me down the hall. The bell warning us for first period went off and we were going in the wrong direction.

"My class is that way," I said pointing behind us.

"We are going to the nurse," he said and I tried to pull away from him.

"I am fine, I didn't fall on my stomach," I said and he stopped and held both my arms and forced me to look at him.

"I just wanted to make sure you were both safe," he said, giving me a look.

"You can walk me to class," I said, giving him a small smile. He walked me to my class and once we reached the door the bell went off. Once my class was over I bumped into Liam who was waiting for me.

"Did you sit out there the entire class?" I asked him jokingly. He took my backpack from me.

"Nah, I have class next door and I know we both have a free period right now," Liam said.

"I was just going to get some breakfast," I said, my stomach grumbling.

"You haven't eaten yet?" Liam asked me, looking concerned.

"My Mom tried shoving a smoothie down my throat but it smelled nauseating and all I want are pancakes," I said as he tried to open the door for the cafeteria which was now locked because breakfast time was over.

"Go sit in the library I will go get you pancakes," Liam said.

"You don't have to!" I screamed at him and he ignored me. Liam showed up 20 minutes later with a giant togo box of pancakes with syrup. I took a huge bite and practically moaned at how good they were.

"Thank you," I said to him. He winked at me and left the library, letting me eat in peace.

The rest of the day was easier without everyone talking about me, and I was happy to get through it. It was now time for gym class and I was dreading it. I didn't even bother changing. I went out and noticed everyone was staring at me, and for once Liam was on time and he was talking with our teacher who then looked over at me as I walked out.

They called me over and I felt myself groan in embarrassment.

"Liam here had warned me of your situation and you can sit out of gym class the rest of the year," he said and I thanked him and noticed everyone was watching us.

"Thank you," I said and he gave me a nod before joining everyone to play volleyball.

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