Chapter 10

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I logged into work and worked for a few hours. At around 9 Liam was supposed to come home but he never did. I had gotten dressed for our date and I sat there for an hour waiting for him. I heard the phone ring upstairs and Linda said a few rushed words and ran downstairs.

"Liam has been shot," she said. I widened my eyes and hopped out of bed.

We ran to the hospital where Jerry was waiting. Linda tried to go into the room and he stopped her.

"How bad is he?" she asked. I couldn't even form words, it felt like my entire world was crashing back.

"He was shot in the chest, and leg. He was found a few hours after being shot. It happened outside the gym before practice. They haven't found a shooter yet. He is in critical condition and they had to place him in a medically induced coma," he said.

As I listened to him speak the words started to mumble together. I started to feel like the entire room was spinning. I grabbed onto Linda's arm as I passed out.

I woke up and the light was shining brightly in my eyes. I looked down and my bump was gone. I looked over and Ash and Bri were sitting there crying.

"Where is my son?" I asked, my voice cracking from my dry throat.

"Here is some water," Ash said, trying to get me to drink.

"Where is my son?" I asked them more forcefully.

"You started to bleed out. The doctors did everything they could but he didn't make it," Bri said holding onto my hand. I started to sob and plead for them to let me see him. I needed proof that he was dead, that he was no longer inside me safe.

"I want Liam," I said crying to them.

"He didn't make it either," Ash said, holding me tightly as another sob came to my throat. I felt empty. I felt like I would never be okay again. They had Jerry come in and he looked at me with tears down his face and he ordered a nurse to sedate me. I fought and screamed as they put the shot into my iv and then I was out.

I opened my eyes and Liam was sitting in a field in a white shirt and black pants. He seemed older and he was smiling and talking to a four-year-old boy. The boy turned around and he had facial features that looked exactly like Liam but he had my bright blue eyes and both of our wavy brown hair.

"Momma come play with us," the boy said.

"Come here beautiful," Liam said holding his hand out to me. I sat down with them on the picnic blanket and the boy sat in my lap

"How will I live a life without you two," I said with a tear falling down my face. Liam caught it with his hand and pulled me in for a soft kiss.

"We will always be with you. You just have to wake up," he said. I opened my eyes and realized it had all been a dream.

I looked down and my bump was still there and I sighed in relief. Linda walked in the room and called Jerry before giving me a tight hug. Jerry walked in and gave me a small smile. They both looked exhausted.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The entire situation was too stressful for you so your body shut down to protect itself," He said. I put the hand on my bump.

"Is the baby okay?" I asked.

"Perfectly fine," he said and I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder.

"And Liam?" I asked and Linda started to cry.

"He is alive. That is all we can ask for. He still hasn't woken up," he said, hugging Linda.

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