Chapter 6

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I woke up and Liam had left. I sighed trying not to show how disappointed I felt that he had left, and went downstairs to get some dinner. I sat down and started eating my food as my mom entered the house. She looked absolutely exhausted and I felt bad.

"Are you okay Mom?" I asked her concerned over her.

"Yeah I just had a long night," She said as she sat next to me yawning. I offered her some food and she declined it and went upstairs. I was confused about why she was acting like this but I decided not to push it.

I decided to clean up the kitchen for my mom so she didn't have to worry about it. I saw some letters opened and one caught my eye. It was our electric bill, and our house bill. They were pretty much saying that we would be kicked out if this month's rent wasn't paid on time, and our power would be shut off.

I didn't know how to react. I knew my mom was working double shifts but I never realized why. I felt so bad knowing it was my fault we were in this mess. I went up to her room and found her puking in the bathroom.

"Mom are you okay?" I asked, holding her hair. She stopped puking and leaned against the wall.

"No I am not okay" she said with tears streaming down her face.

"What is wrong? You can talk to me," I said sitting next to her.

"I started seeing this guy a couple of months ago. He is really sweet and everything was going great. He had to move to Florida for his job and wanted me to come with him, he even wanted you to go also. I just didn't want to rip you away from all of your friends. It turns out I am pregnant also, and I am stressed about not having enough money and I really miss him" she said crying. I hugged her and felt so guilty.

"We could have gone" I said, feeling like her being sad is all my fault.

"I could never do that to you," She said, holding me tight.

"You being this stressed out isn't good for the baby," I said to her concerned for her health.

"This is on me, I am the one responsible for you and my baby" She said standing up wiping her tears.

"We are going to lose our house ma" I said standing up behind her.

"I am going to sell it and buy an apartment," she said walking into her room.

"I am okay with that but how are we all going to fit in an apartment? It won't be just us, there will be two other babies" I said.

"I just need time to think okay?" She said finally losing it. I flinched and left trying to give her space.

I sat in my room and tried to figure out what to do. I looked at my phone and noticed a missed call from Ash.

The park in 10? I texted her and Bri. I put on a sweatshirt and some leggings, and decided that a quick walk couldn't hurt. I walked to the park which was only two minutes away and I sat on the swings. I put my hand on my bump and felt a few tears run down my face. I watched the sunset and I felt Bri and Ash approach.

"Oh Lil," Bri said as they hugged me and I felt myself start to cry out all of my emotions.

"I almost lost the baby, and Liam went on a bender, and then he stayed the night and kissed my neck, but left once I fell asleep. And my mom is pregnant and she broke up with her boyfriend so I could stay here, and we are about to be evicted. I also don't want to give up my baby but I know it would be the best thing for it," I said and they hugged me and let me rant.

"Well let's think of one problem at a time," Ash said.

"I can't believe your mom is pregnant," Bri said shocked.

"I just want her to go to Florida to be with her boyfriend but selfishly I don't want her to leave me and I can't leave,"I said shivering as the winter air hit me.

"Let her go, and you can come stay with me,"Ash said and I looked up at her.

"Really?" I said, wiping my tears.

"Yeah, my dad works all the time so I am alone anyways," she said and I gave her a hug.

"Thank you so much,"I said.

"Okay so one problem solved," Bri said smiling at me.

"How about Liam kissing you?" Ash said, wagging her eyebrows.

"It wasn't a kiss, it was him sucking my neck, but he was trying to prove a point," I said blushing at the thought of it.

"He will come around. give him time," Bri said, rubbing my back.

"He got a full ride for basketball at Duke that he wants to turn down," I said and they gasped in shock.

"Why would he do that?" Ash said.

"Because he wants to drop out of high school to work full time, because I can't work and he wants to keep the baby," I said.

"You have been saving money and so has he, you guys will be okay, you know we will all help you," Bri said.

"Even if he decides to go to Duke what then? Do I go with him so he can be close to the baby and have no friends or family to help? or do I be a single mom for four years?" I said frustrated.

"That is something you both have to figure out what would be best for all three of you," Bri said.

"I agree, and what about high school for you?" Ash asked.

"There is no point in finishing high school, I am getting my GED," I said.

"But what about Prom? Graduation?" Bri said.

"I won't have time, plus it would be better if I can get into college asap if I decided to go," I said and they sighed.

"If that is what you want to do," Ash said, supporting me.

"We will help you study," Bri said and I smiled.

"You guys truly are the best, I have to fix my mom's problem before I do anything else," I said waving goodbye to them before heading home.

I snuck into my mom's room and stole her phone. I looked through her phone until I saw the name David with hearts next to it. I hesitated before deciding to just call him. He answered on the second ring.

"Did you change your mind yet?" He said,

"Hi, this is Lilly, Nina's daughter," I said trying to introduce myself.

"Oh....Hi it is nice to finally meet you. Is your mother okay?" He said, sounding worried.

"No-Uh I mean she is okay but she is not mentally okay. She is pregnant, and I am pregnant and we are losing our house" I said, having verbal diarrhea of the mouth.

"What? What?" he said, sounding shocked at all of the information.

"Look she really cares about you, and I know she didn't go with you because of me but I am going to move out and I want you to come and get her to take her back with you" I said hoping he would agree.

"I will fly out tomorrow morning," he said, giving it no thought. I liked this guy. He clearly cared about my mom.

"Okay thank you" I said. I told my mother what I had done and she was pissed at me for going behind her back but then teared up and thanked me.

"When did you get so wise," she said crying.

"I guess this year,"I said.

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