Back to school

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Winter break is over, it's a new year and another day in the scums that which is called... school. Piper did great in school, she got straight A's. Everyone loved her. She greeted everyone with a beautiful smile, she hugged her dear friends, she even said her hellos to the custodial staff. It's safe to say she had the biggest heart. Only one issue, her diapered life. She had spent so much of winter break using her diapers when she could that she stopped thinking to hold it.

Will she be able to go to school and not have any accidents?

Piper almost pooped herself in front of her mom. She was so close to doing it but she made it the bathroom in time. "OMG! I almost just pooped my pants! IN FRONT OF MY MOM!", she thought to herself. "How am I gonna go through school without having an accident?" Piper started going to the toilet for the next 2 days before school started back up to hopefully resolve that "problem". She hated referring to it as a problem.
Piper's mom opens her door, "Piper it's time to get ready for school." Piper groans but gets up. She gets ready, taking a shower, brushing her teeth, and reluctantly getting dressed without a pull up. Nevertheless, she is ready. Breakfast eaten, she walks to school with a couple of people talking about what they all got for a Christmas. She was back to being a young adult for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Piper had fun at school, she met with her friends at lunch and talked about who shopped the most. She was happy.

It's now 1:35 Piper is in her second to last class and her bladder starts it's warning. In her head, Piper just thought, "time to go potty" and almost started to pee in class. She caught herself though. She raised her hand, got permission to use the restroom did her business and came back.

Almost like time just warped by, the final bell rings and it's time for everyone to go home.

Piper is walking home, thinking about using a pull up. Wanting to use a pull up. She's deep in her dream world while walking home, her stomach gurgling but she doesn't notice. As she approaches her house, she snaps herself out of her day dream. Just as soon she reaches the door, she starts to poop in her leggings. She doesn't fully notice when she walks inside. She sits down feeling a squish and hearing the squish. "What the?" She realises she pooped. "When did I poop? Where was I when it happened? Oh Gosh! Did anyone see me poop my pants?" Her head spinning with questions. Pipers lucky she's home alone. Alleviating all fear, she just plays in her mess and poops some more adding to her baby like playing. After 2 minutes of playing she decided to clean up and discard the evidence.
Piper did her homework after cleaning up. 2 hours later, her mom comes home with Bailey. "Hey mom! How was work?", her mother replied, "great! Got puked on and told some doctors off", rolling her eyes. Piper picks up Bailey and hoops her nose,"hello cutie, have fun at pre-school?" Bailey just nods smiling as wide as possible. Piper walks to the kitchen holding Bailey and gets her a pack of fruit snacks.
30 minutes go by and Piper is watching tv with her sister when she smells something familiar. She thinks to herself, "Did I poop myself again?" And she checks herself. Not her. So she checks Bailey and there it is. "Mom I'm gonna change bailey!" She carries her to her room. As she changes her, Piper's bladder warns her. She gives Bailey her stuffed turtle and puts a pull up on and finished cleaning her sister.

Piper walks downstairs with Bailey and they sit back down on the couch. Bailey lays down on to Piper's lap and falls asleep. She chose this time to play a game called Hotel Hideaway on her phone. As she was playing on her phone she got another warning from her bladder and that's when she let go.

So much for getting this "problem" under control for school

As soon she was done wetting, her mom said that dinner was ready. Piper woke bailey up and they got their plates and dug in. As she was almost done eating, her belly grumbled quietly which only meant one thing. She had to poop. She did think about just pooping right there. It started turning her on at the chance of pooping in front of her mom and sister. Before she could start pushing, she already started to go. Piper sat pooping for 2 minutes. It was audible but no one seemed to notice. She got up and took her plate to the sink and pooped more.
She wanted her mom to change her diaper but she didn't know how she'd react to her 16 year old messing herself. Piper cleaned up and went back downstairs.

Hiya friends! I was thinking about and maybe I'll do longer chapters. Let me know what u guys would like to see.

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